I assume this device is probably 15 years old, though it's rarely been used. At the time of writing I've just tested it with a couple of DVDs. One worked fine, as did the controls on the player when viewing it. The other didn't seem to load, and I'm pretty sure the disk isn't scratched. What the problem was I don't know. If I get a moment before somebody collects the player, I'll investigate this further.
It has a rechargeable battery, though I have no idea what condition it's in. If the battery's now too weak to use, you can easily remove it and take it to the recycling centre. The mains power supply seems to work fine.
You won't be surprised to know that the screen isn't exactly 4K. It's not even HD, but if you're not fussy about picture quality and you've got a good pair of earphones to avoid use of the fairly poor on-board speakers, you'll find this player should be fine. After all, it IS on Freegle; I'm not trying to sell it!
It comes with a user manual and a soft case.
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Portable DVD player (CT1)
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