been in back of cupboard many years sat in its fabric case. not even dusted it off simply removed from case n snapped a pic or two to show how clean it is. however NO Battery (obviously removed long ago before storing it- no li-ion batteries back in the 90's)
A New Battery is less than a fiver still has some 35mm film sat inside (no clue whats on it tho if anything)
Heres link to Canons review of this lil gem of a camera for any budding photographer who cannot affrod £300 or more for an SLR. And due to desperately having a clearout this is first come first serve. By that I mean rather than the pain of ebaying I'm offering FREE to whom can collect it NOW! Bryn in Twerton High St on 469782
CANON EOS 1000F 35mm SLR Camera (Twerton)
This offer has been gifted to someone and is no longer available.