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Free: Sky+ HD Box 500gb internal drive (Twerton) Expired In it's original box (no remote or leads been sat in back of cupboard for years so maybe good for someone out there who can still dream of affording Sky Bryn in Twerton High St. on 469782
Free: Big Packing Box (Twerton) Withdrawn As stated - too good n fairly strong to saimply tear up for bin men Pure White BIG STRONG CARDBOARD BOX in pure clean WHITE Measures approx 60cm x 52cm x 48cm in Inches 23.5 x 20.5 x 19inches added bonus has marking so height of 19 can be shortened in 2 inch steps so if what you wish to package isn't quite as tall - no probs Can't keep too long but too good to not give chance someone out there seeks such a box -for example pack up three or four large duvets??? Bryn in Twerton High St (by the shopz) on 469782
Free: 25 jars - tiny pots n jars (Twerton) Expired 25 Jars n Pots with screw lids for jam pesto makers etc __________________________________________________________ OK so long time ago supplied lady via here with similar as they had asked for them to fill with jams n pesto etc tried to find her details but lost so I'm making this post on the offchance of finding any persons who do similar. Seems a waste to recycle them so I've cleaned off labels Plastic pots had very costly honey inside and the glass ones had flavoured instant coffee in them... I state this so you know nothing toxic was in em okies Each have decent plastic screw on lids n tops so if your a jimmy jammy maker or pesto maker simply Call Bryn in Twerton High St direct on 01225 469782 Bring a box as ill advised to use carrier bag with lotsa glass apologies for unknown reasons can't upload photo but if interested email me n I can attach pic in reply
Free: dell precision t5400 server pc (Twerton) Gifted a very kind gent here on freegle gifted this to me on behalf a disabled friend in need change of circumstance and the fact they've got a pooter now - so as I promised the kind gent I'm offering this for attention HEAVY server to someone else not tested but checked within and has two 250GB SATA Hard Drives inmside all ready to go so anyone with a bit of knowhow should be able to make use of a very decent machine oh and it's VERY clean and tidy with no dings dents scratches etc so it's deffo been well looked after Bryn in Twerton High Street on 469782
Request: Cardboard Storage/Moving boxes (Twerton) Expired Have to repackage damp damaged belongings and desperately hoping someone has a bunch of strong double walled cardboard boxes to offer. Perhaps after moving etc (as brothers stolen all my stuff from storage at my mums home which along with tens of thousands in tools etc I also had a dozen or so flattened boxes for this very reason) IDEAL SIZE approx 500 long (minimum) x 450 wide x 450 high = 20 x 18 x 18 inches approximately Typical "Moving" Box Sizes (apparently) and I need about 20 of the darn things to store average to heavy goods n items and from online searching I read they're referred to as double walled so they're corrugated thick sides not single floppy boards that split n tear. If anyones moved n has any of these I'd be so vert greatful for them and I'm quite prepared to donate a few quid for motion lotion (petrol) if you can bring them to Twerton High Street Many Ta Muchlies in Advance... Bryn
Free: Solid top Round Tables - need a little work (Twerton) Expired when assembled measures approx 730mm high x 1200 round 25mm Heavy Duty ABS Edging on all parts These tables look very impressive with a really thick top however one top has bad damage to central area about 3 inches so will need bit o filler work (wont matter if you use a table cloth) You'll need some simple little metal right angled fixing plates or brackets REALLY SOLID once put together and VERY HEAVY desperate for space so have to go hence rock bottom price to clear NOTE: The tops are 25mm thick and VERY HEAVY and at 1.2 meters, which is nearly four feet in circumferance they simply will not fit in a small car (maybe in an estate or hatchback) 1.2m or four foot across and deep so you can close the rear safely Bryn in Twerton High Street 01225 469782
Photo of free Solid top Round Tables - need a little work (Twerton) #1
Photo of free Solid top Round Tables - need a little work (Twerton) #2
Free: 5 Table Tops 1520 x 690 x 25 (Twerton) Expired already put back in lock up - forgot to take darn pics lightweight birch effect table top seen at front behind are 4 slightly BOWED Extremly Solid and Heavy Dark formica Laminated Faced Tops on an MDF Core and all four edges are lined in curved laquered solid wood perhaps even for alotment to block holes in fence and hedgerow or definately suitable for heavy workload in a garage or workshop Gotta go as desp for space Note: I actually cut three up to make mixing spots on huge building renovation job so the four I have left or remaining have prospective multiple uses and if used in a workshop on a wood bean trestle they could easily hold a couple of engine blocks Bryn in Twerton High Street 01225 469782
Photo of free 5 Table Tops 1520 x 690 x 25 (Twerton) #1
Free: Two Old Dustbins - Ideal for Allotment Composters (Twerton) Gifted TWO BINS ready to be taken away no tricks help yourselves to these free bins with strong metal handles and thick rubber lids that wont blow off in a strong wind - perfect to use as twin composters. Had one kept asking if I could hold them as 13 miles away... but simply not mine so cannot keep them in my tiny flat and they remain FREELY available
Photo of free Two Old Dustbins - Ideal for Allotment Composters (Twerton) #1
Photo of free Two Old Dustbins - Ideal for Allotment Composters (Twerton) #2
Photo of free Two Old Dustbins - Ideal for Allotment Composters (Twerton) #3
Photo of free Two Old Dustbins - Ideal for Allotment Composters (Twerton) #4
+2 +1
Free: Foam Rubber Underlay - best quality thick stuff (Twerton) Gifted not sure how much remains - maybe enough for small room or a decent hallway etc dont hang about else its off to the tip - just seems such a waste as this is truly good stuff and I should point out that its actually really heavy Bryn in Twerton High Street 01225 469782
Photo of free Foam Rubber Underlay - best quality thick stuff (Twerton) #1
Photo of free Foam Rubber Underlay - best quality thick stuff (Twerton) #2
Photo of free Foam Rubber Underlay - best quality thick stuff (Twerton) #3
Free: Cats Water Drinking Fountain - Perfect Working Order (Twerton) Gifted OK so got this years ago when I had four rescues... Now only have one old boy who ignores it so it's time it went to a good home! Clean and in Perfect working Order (took photo after a clean dust off). Only ever used Brita filtered Water so no limescale build up. I used to fill empty plastic bottles with filtered water then refridgerate to chill before refilling fountain each day so the waters always spring fresh for the puddies. Anyone out there with a few feline friends who can make use, especially suitable for those out of the house for more than a few hours at work etc as this provides regular water for your beloved furballs, then simply let me know. Photos taken in dark with flash (2am cant sleep etc lol) but clear enough to SEE it's working. As for the cable I'd guesstimate it to be about a meter in length I just didn't want to unwind it! The Units about 245mm x100mm high or just over Nine and a Half inches by 4 inches.
Photo of free Cats Water Drinking Fountain - Perfect Working Order (Twerton) #1
Photo of free Cats Water Drinking Fountain - Perfect Working Order (Twerton) #2
Free: CANON EOS 1000F 35mm SLR Camera (Twerton) Gifted been in back of cupboard many years sat in its fabric case. not even dusted it off simply removed from case n snapped a pic or two to show how clean it is. however NO Battery (obviously removed long ago before storing it- no li-ion batteries back in the 90's) A New Battery is less than a fiver still has some 35mm film sat inside (no clue whats on it tho if anything) Heres link to Canons review of this lil gem of a camera for any budding photographer who cannot affrod £300 or more for an SLR. / And due to desperately having a clearout this is first come first serve. By that I mean rather than the pain of ebaying I'm offering FREE to whom can collect it NOW! Bryn in Twerton High St on 469782
Photo of free CANON EOS 1000F 35mm SLR Camera (Twerton) #1
Photo of free CANON EOS 1000F 35mm SLR Camera (Twerton) #2
Free: Magimix Food Processor - Excellent Condition (Twerton) Gifted OK a few years back invested in a big processor and this little old faithful got shoved to back of a cupboard and forgot. Simply gave it a wipe down plugged it in and presto still works without any issues so all thats required is a good soak in warm soapy water and a wipe down to all plastic bits and it'll be good as new. Can even gift the old Kenwood cover sat behind which may not fit perfectly but does cover it up when not in use. It'll slice, it'll blend, it'll chop it'll help anyone wanting one who hasn't yet been able to afford one. And it'll save all the hand slicing n chopping too so less blisters or nicked pinkies! Collection only from Twerton High Street by the shops and only by arrangment.
Photo of free Magimix Food Processor - Excellent Condition (Twerton) #1
Photo of free Magimix Food Processor - Excellent Condition (Twerton) #2
Photo of free Magimix Food Processor - Excellent Condition (Twerton) #3
Free: Pedigree Senior dog Food 9x400g tins (Twerton) Gifted As the title suggests .... my poor old labs both passed some time ago now and due to having two lil pocket rockets these won't suffice I have nine 400g tins unopened unused sealed etc etc would suit anyone with a beloved OLDER dog that perhaps prefers a lighter food compared to the cans full of vitamins and added unwanted extras. Will not suit a young vibrant or adult dog - these are specifically for those old beloved frail family friends call any time any hour 01225 462503 I'm in twerton High St by the shops