I have two lengths of what is called "baby wale" corduroy from back when fabric was still nice. Each is about a yard of 45" wide and is cotton.
One is a cream background with pretty little pink flowers The other is a pretty red background with multi colored little hearts on it.
If you sew, these will make the most adorable little baby pants, overalls or little overall dress for a little girl! This is the finer and softer corduroy that is nice for childrens clothes.
This is the old school nice, cotton corduroy!
All of my girls are way past this now and I can't see myself holding on to it for any good reason.
What a shame to let it just languish in the sewing room!
Hoping some talented mom can use them to sew something sweet for her wee one! And, if you sew well enough to sew for gifts, this would make the most unique baby gift, to sew a little vintage corduroy outfit.
I probably even have a pattern, or two, that might do well with it.
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