Alex City Freecycle

Alex City Freecycle has 272 people giving and getting free stuff and there are many more people and groups all across the United States.
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Offers   Requests
Request: Anything for a baby (Phenix city) Looking for all things for a baby and toddler. Toys, walkers, high chairs ect Phenix city
Request: PC Keyboard (Southwest) Any color would be great. Just a working wired keyboard. Thanks for noticing 🙏
Request: Dog play pen (Carrollton) Looking for a dog playpen
Request: Fence (Wadley Alabama) If you have any fencing of any kind please contact us
Request: Any thing storage (Wadley Alabama) We are in need of shelves crates sheds for storage.
Request: our babies (Wadley Alabama) We are asking anyone if you have any thing for cats like beds litter and litter boxes please contact me
Request: Curtains or drapes (Bremen) Any color
Free: Kenmore upright freezer (Harris County)
Photo of free Kenmore upright freezer (Harris County) #1
Request: Heater (Carrollton) Looking for a propane heater (small would be great)
Free: Assorted USED Greeting Cards (Villa Rica Carrollton) Various USED greeting cards that I thought someone who makes their own cards might re-use.
Photo of free Assorted USED Greeting Cards (Villa Rica Carrollton) #1
Request: Photography Equipment (Hoover AL) im looking for any working cameras with or without video and Canon EF lenses, particularly telephoto. it doesnt matter what brand. God bless!
Request: couch (Rose Hill area) Hello, I'm new to the app. If anyone is getting rid of a couch please reach out to me. Thank you
Free: Glass Lemonade Bottles (hoover) I have 7 glass lemonade bottles to give away. Bottles were used to store laundry powders, liquids cleaners, and soaps. Pet free, smoke free home. Thanks for inquiring.
Photo of free Glass Lemonade Bottles (hoover) #1
Photo of free Glass Lemonade Bottles (hoover) #2
Photo of free Glass Lemonade Bottles (hoover) #3
Photo of free Glass Lemonade Bottles (hoover) #4
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