Antrim County Freecycle
Antrim County Freecycle has 226 people giving and getting free stuff and there are many more people and groups all across
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Jewelry making supplies (Rapid city)
We lost my father in law on July 10th this year. I was his caregiver for 7 years. When he passed, we lost his 3000. A month in income and my 1800. A month in income. My fiancé is disabled and has been fighting for disability for 15 + years. I am working two jobs and we are still just barely making it. Crafting helps me deal with my depression and anxiety, but I can not afford the tools and supplies I need. It would be so amazing if I could acquire some jewelry making thins so I can make Christmas gifts for my loved ones this year.
Bicycle Trainer (Traverse City, West Side)
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