Centennial Freecycle

Centennial Freecycle has 2,865 people giving and getting free stuff and there are many more people and groups all across the United States.
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Offers Ā  Requests
Free: USB powered speakers (Collindale) Small USB powered speakers. Work.
Photo of free USB powered speakers (Collindale) #1
Free: HP m401 laser printer (Collindale) NonDuplex. Has newer generic toner cartridge. Works decently. This is one I got off this site and cleaned and repaired it. No longer need it.
Photo of free HP m401 laser printer (Collindale) #1
Free: Flat screen monitors (Collindale) Promised 5 flat screen computer monitors. 1 does not have a stand. All work.
Photo of free Flat screen monitors (Collindale) #1
Photo of free Flat screen monitors (Collindale) #2
Photo of free Flat screen monitors (Collindale) #3
Photo of free Flat screen monitors (Collindale) #4
+3 +2 +1
Free: Small personal space heater (Collindale) Promised 250 watt desktop space heater.
Photo of free Small personal space heater (Collindale) #1
Free: Queen sized frame and mattress (Fountain co) Metal frame and futon mattress. We have some pillow to go with them.
Free: Large bag of pine spruce shavings (Old North End) Large bag of pine spruce for heat treated shavings. I got them for Halloween project and donā€™t need it anymore!
Photo of free Large bag of pine spruce shavings (Old North End) #1
Free: Pots and utensils (Breckenridge) Used in OK shape
Photo of free Pots and utensils (Breckenridge) #1
Free: Small round wood table (West, Central Fort Collins) Small round solid wood table with sturdy base. Surface needs refinishing but works great with a tablecloth
Photo of free Small round wood table (West, Central Fort Collins) #1
Photo of free Small round wood table (West, Central Fort Collins) #2
Free: Large couch/sofa microfiber (West, Central Fort Collins) 7 ft 3 in Long, 3 ft deep. Good condition. The seat cushions are little a little dirty. Just normal wear three washable off-white seat cushion slipcovers come with it. We took the legs off for easy moving.
Photo of free Large couch/sofa microfiber (West, Central Fort Collins) #1
Photo of free Large couch/sofa microfiber (West, Central Fort Collins) #2
Photo of free Large couch/sofa microfiber (West, Central Fort Collins) #3
Photo of free Large couch/sofa microfiber (West, Central Fort Collins) #4
+3 +2 +1
Free: Wooden Desk with Drawers (Lakewood) Wooden Desk with Drawers Sturdy wooden desk with drawers for storage. 42 inchs wide 19 inchs deep 42 inches tall
Photo of free Wooden Desk with Drawers (Lakewood) #1
Request: Windows Server OS Install CDs (Shields and horsetooth) ISO Windows Server OS install CDs. Will also take other Windows OS Install CD's if you have (Windows 7 and older).
Free: Easter baskets (Louisville) 1 pink and purple. 1 yellowish. Faded. They could be painted to look nicer.
Photo of free Easter baskets (Louisville) #1
Request: Chairs (100th & Wadsworth) Good condition office chair or kitchen table chairs
Free: outdoor basketball hoop (Homestead Farms II) Freestanding outdoor basketball hoop. Good condition.
Photo of free outdoor basketball hoop (Homestead Farms II) #1
Photo of free outdoor basketball hoop (Homestead Farms II) #2
Request: Knick knacks and do dads (Midtown foco) I just want silly things
Free: Changing Table (Quincy and Simms) Promised Has pad. 3 drawers and laundry basket (not the suitcase, thatā€™s just being stored there)
Photo of free Changing Table (Quincy and Simms) #1
Free: Wood pallet and plywood (Fort Collins Dunbar Avenue) 3.5x4 ft pallet and 3.5 x 4ft plywood
Photo of free Wood pallet and plywood (Fort Collins Dunbar Avenue) #1
Free: Twin size bed foam (Westminster) As you can see in the picture, it's ripped. It still works with a sheet over it. I had planned to use it in my re- covering on my red chairs- see my other post! This could be your next project šŸ˜ I'm off 107th and Sheridan. You must be able to pick up. I'm very good at taking items down, so if you see it-I have it. Let me know when you are on your way and I'll send you my address!
Photo of free Twin size bed foam (Westminster) #1
Photo of free Twin size bed foam (Westminster) #2
Free: Cherry Creek Sneak menā€™s L shirts (S Garland St and W Yale Ave) Promised Menā€™s size L shirts from classic Denver 10kā€™s. All are worn but in good shape.
Photo of free Cherry Creek Sneak menā€™s L shirts (S Garland St and W Yale Ave) #1
Free: Queen-Sized mattress (West, Central Fort Collins) Queen sized pillow top mattress in good condition except for one rip on the underside. See pictures.
Photo of free Queen-Sized mattress (West, Central Fort Collins) #1
Photo of free Queen-Sized mattress (West, Central Fort Collins) #2
Photo of free Queen-Sized mattress (West, Central Fort Collins) #3
Free: Microfiber cream color couch (Westminster) Gorgeous couch with beautiful curves. I'm moving and can't take it with me. It does need a good wash but microfiber is very easy to clean. The seat cushions are removable and can go in the washer. The top pillows are attached, with some very small, easily repaired rips along the back seam. Not noticeable unless you are moving/ pulling on it. I'm unable to deliver it. I'm off 107th and Sheridan, I will only share my address once we've decided a time for you to pick up and you are ready to come get it. I do not hold items.
Photo of free Microfiber cream color couch (Westminster) #1
Photo of free Microfiber cream color couch (Westminster) #2
Photo of free Microfiber cream color couch (Westminster) #3
Photo of free Microfiber cream color couch (Westminster) #4
+3 +2 +1
Free: Rubber car tires (West, Central Fort Collins) Old rubber car tires, no rims
Free: Couch (S Boulder/centaur) 8'W x 38"D x 31"H
Photo of free Couch (S Boulder/centaur) #1
Photo of free Couch (S Boulder/centaur) #2
Photo of free Couch (S Boulder/centaur) #3
Request: Baby Items (South Westminster/Denver) Good morning. I just found out I'm going to be a grandma... We are desperate for baby items...anything from a crib to diapers that your little on has out grown... Anything will be greatly appreciated. Have a wonderful day.
Request: Fire pit / screen top (North Main Longmont) Looking for a screened lid for a fire pit near Longmont
Free: Gardening Stuff (Iliff & Chambers) Every thing for gardening and lawn care. Plant and lawn food, grass seed, pots, seedling nets, tarp, tomato posts, buckets, etc. everything should be visible in the photo. Limited time offer, come take what you want. All will go to garbage or chemical disposal after 2 weeks.
Photo of free Gardening Stuff (Iliff & Chambers) #1
Request: Bookshelf or shelves (Old North End) Is anyone trying to part with a bookshelf or two? Donā€™t care much about the color, but darker colors would be preferable. Thank you!
Free: Double dresser unfinished wood (West, Central Fort Collins) Six drawer dresser. One knob missing. Unfinished wood, wooden knobs
Photo of free Double dresser unfinished wood (West, Central Fort Collins) #1
Request: Boxes (Olde Town Arvada) Iā€™m in need of book boxes and boxes that could hold file folders. If you have any in these sizes that youā€™d like to get rid of, I would love to come and get them. Thank youšŸ˜Š
Free: Beer and wine glasses (S. Boulder) Collection of various beer and wine glasses
Photo of free Beer and wine glasses (S. Boulder) #1