Fort White Freecycle

Fort White Freecycle has 548 people giving and getting free stuff and there are many more people and groups all across the United States.
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Request: Just moved to Lee, FL 32059 (124 Carlton Way SE) Fair to used furniture , Sofa, washer and dryer
Request: yard sale signs (Hogtown Creek) Looking for one or two yard sale signs or signs that can be repurposed into yard sale signs!
Request: 82” curtain rod (NW) Prefer black or silver rod please with brackets
Free: 2 twin mattress (South of Trenton Fl) Good condition
Request: 20 to 26 inch bike or trikes (Ocala, fl) Older disabled adults Looking for bikes. 20 or 26 inch. It's ok if they need work. I need a tricycle but can convert a regular bike. We are both heart patients and would use them daily. Can come pick them up, I would really appreciate it!
Request: Bicycle (Ocala, fl) 20 to 26 inch adult bicycle and tricycle for older disabled adult. My husband and I live in town and are both elderly heart patients. I would need a 3 wheel or one I could convert whole a two wheel would work for him. It's ok if the bikes need a little work. If you have any you no longer need it would be much appreciated and would be used daily! Thank you for your consideration!
Request: Paint (10850 nw 14th st ocala, fl) I need paint outdoor exterior in buckets in bottles in tubes all colors mostly for painting tires and stains for wood like pallets
Request: Pallets, trampolines, pools (10850 nw 14th st ocala, fl) I need like 100 pallets. I am building a garden so I can drop the food bills. Exterior bolts and screws and exterior paints would also be very much appreciated. In need of trampoline structures the trampoline doesn't need to work really just need the structures and pools doesn't have to have a pump or ladder just need structures and ability to hold water hot tub structures and pond liners are welcome to. You must deliver sorry my truck broke down had to sell it now I can't afford to buy another one. Trying to make a 1 acre garden to cut food bills. These items will be used for a fish farming ponds and protection during hurricanes. Many are welcome and needed. Thank you.