Free stuff near Fortrose, Scotland

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Free: Brass door handles (Elgin IV30) 5 brass door handles, with centres of 10 cm.
Photo of free Brass door handles (Elgin IV30) #1
Free: Coat hooks (Elgin IV30) 3 coat hooks, used for bathroom
Photo of free Coat hooks (Elgin IV30) #1
Free: 3 lever mortise lock, 2 keys and striker plate. (Elgin IV30) Been used, but only suitable for an inside door
Photo of free 3 lever mortise lock, 2 keys and striker plate. (Elgin IV30) #1
Request: Laptop computer (Dalnavie IV17) I am looking for a laptop computer to install Linux on. So it needs to be basically working but does not need an HDd or any OS. An ideal doner for this would be an ex windows laptop where the HDD has crashed and you did not want to repair it.
Request: Costume jewellery (Elgin IV30) Hi there, I'm looking for broken jewellery for a craft project, any necklaces, chains, beads etc appreciated if you are thinking of getting rid. Thank you
Free: Hamster cage and accessories (Elgin IV30) Good condition .
Photo of free Hamster cage and accessories (Elgin IV30) #1
Photo of free Hamster cage and accessories (Elgin IV30) #2
Photo of free Hamster cage and accessories (Elgin IV30) #3
Free: Dog ramp for car (Elgin IV30)
Photo of free Dog ramp for car (Elgin IV30) #1
Photo of free Dog ramp for car (Elgin IV30) #2
Free: Over bath seat (Findhorn IV36) Wooden seat to fit over the bath. Adjustable to ensure secure when in position. Well used so could probably do with a spruce-up. Taker must collect
Photo of free Over bath seat (Findhorn IV36) #1
Photo of free Over bath seat (Findhorn IV36) #2
Free: Umbrella & Shopper Bag (Hopeman IV30) A telescopic umbrella with a matching fold-away shopper. They are in a snakeskin type pattern and the umbrella is about 8" long when folded. Never used and might make a nice gift fro someone.
Photo of free Umbrella & Shopper Bag (Hopeman IV30) #1
Photo of free Umbrella & Shopper Bag (Hopeman IV30) #2
Photo of free Umbrella & Shopper Bag (Hopeman IV30) #3
Photo of free Umbrella & Shopper Bag (Hopeman IV30) #4
+2 +1
Free: HP Photo Paper (Hopeman IV30) 3 packs of HP photo paper - 4"x6" gloss. There are approximately 140 sheets in each pack. Suitable for most printers.
Photo of free HP Photo Paper (Hopeman IV30) #1
Request: Car trailer (Inverness IV3) I’m looking for a trailer. Anything considered
Request: Large Dog Cage (Moray) Hi I am looking for a large dog cage if anyone has one that they no longer use. It would be very much appreciated as my dog will soon out grow the one I have at present . Thank you in advance