Free stuff near Great Falls, South Carolina

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Free: pizzazz plus (Mallard Creek) used
Photo of free pizzazz plus (Mallard Creek) #1
Free: Doll House. Hand built (Cornelius, NC.) As you can see it needs TLC. Grandfathered built it and it it wired with lights. It is heavy and you will need to pick it up.
Photo of free Doll House. Hand built (Cornelius, NC.) #1
Photo of free Doll House. Hand built (Cornelius, NC.) #2
Photo of free Doll House. Hand built (Cornelius, NC.) #3
Photo of free Doll House. Hand built (Cornelius, NC.) #4
+2 +1
Request: Any thing helps (Clanton park area) I just moved into apartment from staying in a hotel for 5 years .I need dishes ,pots and pans ,curtains ,kitchen towels,decorations anything would help .as money is tight cause I'm on disability and that basically pays my bills thank you in advance God Bless
Free: Couch (Lowrys sc) Good condition, set 3, plaid in color
Photo of free Couch (Lowrys sc) #1
Request: Blankets/sheets,clothes (Rockey river road north) Queen-size sheets blankets,,,size 7 jeans ,,lg/xl shirts,,bras size34b..socks panties coats lg..PJ..lg.. towels wash clothes cleaning supplies I live 707 North Rockey river Rd Monroe NC call me 9804254707 if u have beds or furniture I need air mattress body spray no [ Items received in response to this request will be resold ]
Request: mattress /box spring (Rockey river road north) New or in good shape [ Items received in response to this request will be resold ]
Request: Queen of king mattress box spring (Stallings nc) Just moved to 707 North Rockey river Rd in trailer I have nothing period no furniture or nothing I need everything. Anything can u bring to me 9804254707 [ Items received in response to this request will be resold ]
Request: hose reel (Concord) Looking for a working hose reel close to Concord [ Items received in response to this request will be resold ]
Request: clothes and shoes (Sumter) In need of size 14 to 16 jeans XL to XXL tops and size 9 shoes have nothing anything helps
Free: 2 vintage console televisions TV's (East side, Hillcrest) Both work! Both look like "new". Magnavox with remote. GE is before remotes. Both in great condition! You must move them.
Photo of free 2 vintage console televisions TV's (East side, Hillcrest) #1
Photo of free 2 vintage console televisions TV's (East side, Hillcrest) #2
Photo of free 2 vintage console televisions TV's (East side, Hillcrest) #3
Photo of free 2 vintage console televisions TV's (East side, Hillcrest) #4
+2 +1
Request: Working telescope (Gastonia) This is a long shot but figured I ask if anyone has a working telescope that is just gathering dust. My little one and I are going to be reviewing planets and I would love to show her the stars. Thank you. šŸ˜Š
Free: Line for lazy Susan shelf (Concord near afton village) Liner for lazy Susan shelf
Photo of free Line for lazy Susan shelf (Concord near afton village) #1
Photo of free Line for lazy Susan shelf (Concord near afton village) #2
Photo of free Line for lazy Susan shelf (Concord near afton village) #3
Photo of free Line for lazy Susan shelf (Concord near afton village) #4
+6 +5 +4
Free: Cloth scraps (Harrisburg) Cloth scraps - a few quite large and some embroidered, one toddler girl pattern
Photo of free Cloth scraps (Harrisburg) #1
Free: Bricks (Chapin) Red multicolored bricks. Approx 200 count. Just load and take for free. Need wheel barrow for loading approx 30 feet from driveway.
Photo of free Bricks (Chapin) #1
Free: New Serta (queen) mattress (SouthPark (Carmel Rd)) New, clean, just purchased at WalMart. Used for ten days in December during Hurricane Helene, by our kids from Asheville.
Free: Baby stroller & baby chair (East Gastonia) 3 wheeled graco stroller works great and 3 in one baby to toddler fisher price rocking chair both been stored on front porch out of rain but both need a good cleaning. Pick up by Sunday/ moving
Photo of free Baby stroller & baby chair (East Gastonia) #1
Photo of free Baby stroller & baby chair (East Gastonia) #2
Photo of free Baby stroller & baby chair (East Gastonia) #3
Request: HP 45 black ink cartridges (Upper York County) Can use a few as well as the HP 78 color and HP 23 color. Thanks.
Request: Building a big garden (Near piedmont schools) In search of pathway material. Bricks, largeish flat rocks, paver tiles, any tiles that are outdoor friendly. Possibly similiar materials. Goal is to build a key stone garden that is roughly 80ā€™ by 40ā€™ and Iā€™m trying to keep costs down
Photo of Building a big garden (Near piedmont schools) #1
Free: Canning jars (Harrisburg) 5 canning jars - perfect condition
Photo of free Canning jars (Harrisburg) #1
Request: Skoolie Furniture (Prosperity) My husband and I are looking for a mini fridge/freezer, microwave, coffee maker, curtains and rods, queen mattress, small kitchen sink, gas stove, generator, TV and cabinets. We are converting our bus! Anything helps!
Photo of Skoolie Furniture (Prosperity) #1
Photo of Skoolie Furniture (Prosperity) #2
Request: Massage table (Tega cay) Any type
Request: living room sofa/recliner (downtown Rock Hill) size and color not important
Request: Household furniture (Rock Hill, South Carolina) Just moved and don't have any furniture. Anything would be great, but also have 14 and 10 yr old girls. Need beds, dressers, dishes, living room furniture as well. Thank you!!
Request: Insulation & Cabinets/hardware (East Independence area) Hi I am looking for insulation to insulate my SUV as I converted into a living space any type of insulation would be awesome right now I am settling for foam mattress material and some styrofoam scoreboard that I was able to scrounge up it's getting pretty cool and my funds are very limited so anything would be appreciated thank you so much!
Free: 2 plate glass mirrors (cross hill) 2 plate glass mirrors with fittings. 2'x3'and 3'x4'. The larger mirror has a small chip in one cornet
Request: Used Tools (Newberry, SC) Looking for used hand tools and power tools. Please message if you have low cost or no cost items. Thank you! [ Items received in response to this request will be resold ]
Request: drivable motorhome or rv (Florence) Full-time doordash delivery driver homeless living out of my car with my two dogs I'm originally looking for a drivable livable RV or motorhome it can be a fixer upper or as is maybe somebody that wants it off their property as soon as possible clean title it's getting cold outside and I'm looking for the community's help
Photo of drivable motorhome or rv (Florence) #1
Photo of drivable motorhome or rv (Florence) #2