Free stuff near Lyndonville, New York

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Free: Swiffer dry cleaning cloths (Beaches, Toronto) Refill pack of 40 (one or two may have been used!) Porch pickup.
Photo of free Swiffer dry cleaning cloths (Beaches, Toronto) #1
Free: Ant traps (Beaches, Toronto) BgonMax ant traps. 8 in box (not 10 as shown). Porch pickup.
Photo of free Ant traps (Beaches, Toronto) #1
Free: Traditional lampshade (Beaches, Toronto) Cream patterned lampshade, 12" tall, 15" square at the bottom (so quite large). Porch pickup.
Photo of free Traditional lampshade (Beaches, Toronto) #1
Free: Mini portable air conditioner (Beaches, Toronto) Arctic Air mini AC unit. Just put cold water and/or ice cubes in the top tray and set the fan. No venting needed. Porch pickup.
Photo of free Mini portable air conditioner (Beaches, Toronto) #1
Free: Electric fan (Beaches, Toronto) Compact Honeywell electric fan, with 3 settings. Porch pickup.
Photo of free Electric fan (Beaches, Toronto) #1
Free: Humidifier (Beaches, Toronto) Westinghouse electric humidifier, with light. Porch pickup.
Photo of free Humidifier (Beaches, Toronto) #1
Free: Milk frother (Mavis and Rathburn) Promised For porch pick up. There's hot froth, cold froth settings. Sometimes the whisk is a bit wonky and you nudge it to get it working.. but it can work once it gets going.
Photo of free Milk frother (Mavis and Rathburn) #1
Photo of free Milk frother (Mavis and Rathburn) #2
Free: Mustard (Richmond Hill) See pic
Photo of free Mustard (Richmond Hill) #1
Photo of free Mustard (Richmond Hill) #2
Free: nature lover’s starter kit (leslieville/little india) do you have a little kid who is enamoured of the natural world? we have a number of different types of rocks, some snail shells, and some cicada exoskeletons that they might enjoy. pick up near coxwell and dundas
Photo of free nature lover’s starter kit (leslieville/little india) #1
Photo of free nature lover’s starter kit (leslieville/little india) #2
Photo of free nature lover’s starter kit (leslieville/little india) #3
Photo of free nature lover’s starter kit (leslieville/little india) #4
+8 +7 +6
Free: Vornado desk fan (not working) (Downsview at Keele and Wilson) It was in storage for a while sad to discover it doesn't work. I feel like this is fixable but I have neither the time nor the patience but maybe you do? Pickup at Keele and Wilson.
Photo of free Vornado desk fan (not working) (Downsview at Keele and Wilson) #1
Photo of free Vornado desk fan (not working) (Downsview at Keele and Wilson) #2
Free: Spears from Edible Bouquet (Glen Erin/Council Ring) These plastic spears came from an Edible Bouquet. 19 cm long, with one sharp end. Make your own fruit bouquet or use for crafts. or possibly use for a labeling purpose.
Photo of free Spears from Edible Bouquet (Glen Erin/Council Ring) #1
Free: Display booth (Trafalgar/River Oaks, Oakville) Promised Great condition. Stores in 3 cases. Science fair projects, presentation displays etc. Approx 7' high x 8' wide. Made by Nimlock. (Items on it in picture not included)
Photo of free Display booth (Trafalgar/River Oaks, Oakville) #1
Request: Adult Rideable bike (GTA) I need an adult rideable bike. Thanks [ Items received in response to this request will be resold ]
Free: Car snow cover (Coxwell and Danforth) Used only a handful of times - doesn’t fit my car well.
Photo of free Car snow cover (Coxwell and Danforth) #1
Free: all natural acne ointment (leslieville/little india) this acne ointment by dermamed is an all natural, high quality product. my teen didn’t like the way it feels, and won’t use it. it has only been handled hygienically. almost full. pick up near coxwell and dundas
Photo of free all natural acne ointment (leslieville/little india) #1
Photo of free all natural acne ointment (leslieville/little india) #2
Free: Crochet doilies (3) (Mississauga Ontario Canada) Promised Please reply with day you czn pick up from porch on Wayside Court Mississauga L5V1G1
Photo of free Crochet doilies (3) (Mississauga Ontario Canada) #1
Free: Ladies scarves (Burnhamthorpe and Tomken) These were hand made, crocheted I think. There are 4 scarves with a key hole. The pink one doesn’t have a key hole.
Photo of free Ladies scarves (Burnhamthorpe and Tomken) #1
Photo of free Ladies scarves (Burnhamthorpe and Tomken) #2
Photo of free Ladies scarves (Burnhamthorpe and Tomken) #3
Photo of free Ladies scarves (Burnhamthorpe and Tomken) #4
+2 +1
Free: Wooden Wall hanging? (Whitby - Kendalwood/Dundas-ish) Wooden wall hanging. This is not at my current location so careful arrangements for pickup are needed Can be picked up from my location or where it currently is near the Oshawa Centre. Happy Freecycling all Tara. 😊
Photo of free Wooden Wall hanging? (Whitby - Kendalwood/Dundas-ish) #1
Request: washing machine (Queen Street Niagara Falls) Happy with anything working. Vintage washing machines are also appreciated
Free: Oriental cabinet (Whitby - Kendalwood/Dundas-ish) Hi all. We are trying to make some positive results come from a very negative situation. This cabinet is looking for a new loving home. 36” wide 22” deep 59” tall Special arrangements will need to be made to pick up as the item is at a location near Stevenson and Adelaide. Happy Freecycling everyone.
Photo of free Oriental cabinet (Whitby - Kendalwood/Dundas-ish) #1
Photo of free Oriental cabinet (Whitby - Kendalwood/Dundas-ish) #2
Free: Small electric oven (Whitby - Kendalwood/Dundas-ish) Well used but clean and still working electric oven. Pick up will have to be organized in advance as it’s not at my location. It is in the basement of my Mother-in-laws house near Stevenson and Adelaide.
Photo of free Small electric oven (Whitby - Kendalwood/Dundas-ish) #1
Free: Microwave (Whitby - Kendalwood/Dundas-ish) Hi all I have a microwave to offer. Counter style.
Photo of free Microwave (Whitby - Kendalwood/Dundas-ish) #1
Free: Range hood (Whitby - Kendalwood/Dundas-ish) Hi all. I have a Hard wired range hood available to give away. It has a Fan and light switch. Happy Freecycling everyone.
Photo of free Range hood (Whitby - Kendalwood/Dundas-ish) #1
Request: Blood Pressure Monitor (DT Toronto / Toronto West) Any one have a Blood Pressure Monitor that they are not using and waiting to Gift ? (Ideally if it has the Heart Checkmark from Hypertension Canada would be awesome)
Free: picture frame for 4 pictures (Dufferin Grove) Nice simple frame that can sit or hang. I don't have any use for it right now, and don't need to store it. Maybe it would be nice for you.
Photo of free picture frame for 4 pictures (Dufferin Grove) #1
Free: Tricycle (buddhist magazines) (Dufferin Grove) Promised Box of about 15 Tricycle magazines, and maybe a couple gardening magazines. Most of the articles are still relevant, so you might just want to read them. OR Some of the pictures are really nice, if you are doing collage art or something like that. I really don't have a use for them any more, but I thought someone on here might want them before I recycle.
Photo of free Tricycle (buddhist magazines) (Dufferin Grove) #1
Photo of free Tricycle (buddhist magazines) (Dufferin Grove) #2
Free: Smart TV 55” (Erindale park) Promised The actual TV is 49 inches wide. It needs to be serviced but if you are patient, you don’t even need to service it. It just takes a minute or two to turn on.
Photo of free Smart TV 55” (Erindale park) #1
Photo of free Smart TV 55” (Erindale park) #2
Photo of free Smart TV 55” (Erindale park) #3
Photo of free Smart TV 55” (Erindale park) #4
+2 +1
Request: Sewing Machine (Working) (Eglinton W and Roselawn Ave.) Seeking a sewing machine. If you are not using yours and would be willing to part with it. Please message me!
Free: Sorel toddler boots (Coxwell and Danforth) Size 6 US/5 UK. Used but not bad condition. Too small for my kid.
Photo of free Sorel toddler boots (Coxwell and Danforth) #1
Photo of free Sorel toddler boots (Coxwell and Danforth) #2
Free: Reinforced Hanging File Folders (Winston Churchill & Dundas) New never used
Photo of free Reinforced Hanging File Folders (Winston Churchill & Dundas) #1