Free stuff near Moulton, Texas

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Free: Entryway key hooks (South lamar) Need to be gone before Jan 15th!!! Could use to hang keys, purses, caps, or could hang mugs in kitchen
Photo of free Entryway key hooks (South lamar) #1
Free: large TV moving box (Oak Hill) Uhaul-brand moving box for TV, up to size 70". Both pieces of cardboard included, in great shape. Internal corner protectors not incl
Photo of free large TV moving box (Oak Hill) #1
Free: Cat box (Oak Hill) Dog-proof cat box, originally bought from Amazon, search IRIS Cat Litter Box Top Entry for specs
Photo of free Cat box (Oak Hill) #1
Request: Full Keyboard (Downtown Austin) Hello everyone, I’m helping my friend find a full keyboard for learning. Please if you have one in great condition let me know I would appreciate it.
Request: reliable vehicle (North Austin) Not looking for handout, I'm looking for that real hand up from where I've been kicked down. The vehicle just needs to run, clean title, no liens. It will be used for getting to and from work as maintenance tech and make ready tech.
Request: Bags of concrete (Wallis) In search of bags of concrete. Hello I'm currently finishing up my new building and quickly running out of budget, this is the last of a long list needed to open my small business I find myself needed a few more bags of concrete along with some self leveling or concrete refinish bags. If anyone has some left over from other jobs please let me know and I'll come and get them. Thank you for reading.
Photo of Bags of concrete (Wallis) #1
Request: Stove (Cedar Creek) In need of a stove)oven if anyone has one they no longer use. TIA
Request: Building material (Cedar creek tx) Hello I am in need of finding any kind of building material for a double wide because I'm in the process of remodeling or home but we don't have a lot of money so we're trying to see if we can get some material from anybody who doesn't need what they have or any leftovers
Request: Lawnmower (Windsor park) Hello everyone! In need of a lawnmower of any kind. Sadly ours was stolen and we need to keep the yard taken care of to avoid fees from the landlord. Let me know if you’re able to help! Happy holidays :)
Request: All types of furniture (Austin) Just arrived in Austin looking for anything you want to get rid off but needs to be in good condition
Free: 4 Burner Grill (130 / 969) Free 4 Burner Grill, comes with a gas tank and cover. It is rusted due to rain so needs to be cleaned up or sold as scrap. Also does not have wheels. Must pick up yourself.
Photo of free 4 Burner Grill (130 / 969) #1
Photo of free 4 Burner Grill (130 / 969) #2
Photo of free 4 Burner Grill (130 / 969) #3
Photo of free 4 Burner Grill (130 / 969) #4
+2 +1
Request: Cardboard boxes (Mueller) Large preferred. Moving out in two weeks
Free: Senior Cat Food (Bee Cave)
Photo of free Senior Cat Food (Bee Cave) #1
Request: Baby boy items (Austin 78758) Any baby boy clothes and baby bed or swing changing table anything would help my son just brought my newborn grandson home and has nothing would really appreciate any help
Request: Lawnmower (Austin 78758) Looking for an electric lawnmower if anyone has one that no longer needs