Free stuff near Waldo, Arkansas

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Request: clothes (Bossier) Need women’s clothes size medium to largr
Request: Left over 3 tab shingles (Bossier City) Looking for left over unused 3 tab asphalt shingles. Color doesn’t matter.
Request: Boys School Uniform Pants (South Shreveport) Size 6, navy school uniform pants - gently used.. Any donations greatly appreciated. Thanks
Request: Girl Clothes (Shreveport LA) Sizes 10/12 Any & all donations would be greatly appreciated.
Request: Old gardening equipment (Bellevue rd Haughton,La) I need any old gardening stuff like raised beds,greenhouses, inclosed plant stands, grow lights I'm trying to do a hydroponic garden . But can't afford all the equipment I've tried using containers but they break after a few months . Any stuff will help old pumps old plastic or metal drums any old tillers,shovels,ect... thank you
Request: Old materials (Bellevue rd Haughton,La) Looking for any leftover scraps of material, stuffing, or old sheets,blankets, clothes .
Request: Building supplies 🏡 (Shreveport 71103) I just moved here from Florida trying to start a new chapter for myself and my family building supplies anything that would help me right now .I have space heaters I'm looking for anyone that can has any building supplies,consider my family and be grateful beyond words. are help our new beginning be happy again.thank you from me and my son and our fur babies God bless
Free: Woman's clothes (Shreveport 71103) Really good clothes where given to me and some don't fit me med sizes,dress pants, really pretty shirts. Most are a size 10 plus
Request: Couch or recliner& living room etc (Bossier City) Fire took everything we had and it'd been awful please anyone giving away any kind of couches sectionals if possible recliners and love seats etc. All was lost including pets and I'm just lost.
Request: Vehicles (Bossier City) My daughter and j have had the worst couple of years. Starter with loosing my graduation present that was promised to me by family that would be my car as long as I graduated and so I did what i was supposed to and got my diploma. I even started college at bpcc . Well my family lier to me and told me the car had to be in their name for cheap insurance. They later used that to take it away from me when I had my baby girl just because another family member totaled their car. I'm still hurt and betrayed. I've been offered an amazing job opportunity that could set my daughter and I up for the rest of our lives.. the job is also doing something I'm great at and love doing IT work. The only problem with this is I have to have my own vehicle to go to these different businesses. I've tried and been promised help just to be let down all over again. My family member that did this has plenty of money that he even said to me one day "u know if I wanted to I could've done bought u a car 19xover " I said I know. This man was like a father to me when my grandfather left us and I will never understand how he went from loving me as his own even wanting to adopt me to just hating me. Sorry I'm ranting. Just hurts and he loves to throw it in my face that I can't drive my daughter places like her first days of school and her first date. This is my only baby I will ever have and he loves her like he is used to love me so much so he tries to always make sure I don't get to use any car of his or my grandmother's to even go eat with her at school anymore. 9years was the happiest of my entire life and now she is getting used to me not being able 2 b there when she needs me like I always used to be. I'm certain it's out of hatefulnees dueb2 some of the things he has yelled at me. My depression is coming back and I'm stuck and don't know how to even try to buy a car like he took away. So please please 🙏 if anyone out there has an extra car/truck/suv I don't care and are willing to help me so I can work and get my life back and my daughters life back together again. We had a fire and lost all of our things and animals right after this. I've never done this before but please I need any help. Sorry that's the short version of all the things he has done and I love him more than anything . I keep thinking he will go back to the old him the one that wanted me to make it. I have jobs lined up just need Any ride someone no longer wants or is willing to let me pay monthly or a charity that helps with this please helpb
Request: Furniture of any kind (Bossier City) We had a fire and it took everything and it's still hard trying to replace all of our things or even half of our things. I've never been so low in my life. My car is gone and currently staying with my mom and my daughter who is 12 at my uncles rent house. If anyone knows of anything or any group that would be willing to give someone like me a second chance I'd appreciate it more than you will ever know. We are grateful for anything but we are all 3 black colored or darker furniture type of people.
Request: Starting over.. furniture, bed's (shreveport) Fair condition