Greenville Freecycle

Greenville Freecycle has 469 people giving and getting free stuff and there are many more people and groups all across the United States.
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Offers   Requests
Free: Firewood (Near person and peace sts) Firewood from a freshly cut redbud tree
Photo of free Firewood (Near person and peace sts) #1
Free: Green mid-century modern desk (North Hills Raleigh) Has some wear but would be a good craft desk or refinishing project
Photo of free Green mid-century modern desk (North Hills Raleigh) #1
Photo of free Green mid-century modern desk (North Hills Raleigh) #2
Photo of free Green mid-century modern desk (North Hills Raleigh) #3
Photo of free Green mid-century modern desk (North Hills Raleigh) #4
+2 +1
Request: Murphy Bed or Day Bed (raleigh) If you have a Murphy Bed or a Day Bed in search of a new home, please contact me. Thanks.
Request: kenmore sewing machine Model 158 (Garner, NC) I would appreciate it if anyone has a working Kenmore sewing machine they no longer need. Mine got broken in our move. It's the brand I grew up with and know how to use. Looking for the 158 model pictured here. Thank you in advance!
Photo of kenmore sewing machine Model 158 (Garner, NC) #1
Free: Big boxes (By Triangle Town Center) (Small/medium posted earlier are pending pickup) Huge empty cardboard box. And some ‘also big but not this big’ boxes. Croc W8 for scale; banana was not shipped in time.
Photo of free Big boxes (By Triangle Town Center) #1
Free: Mirror - some squares missing (By Triangle Town Center) Square mirror with hanging hardware on back. Finally realized I would never get around to having those squares replaced. Croc shoe for scale. Nonsmoking home
Photo of free Mirror - some squares missing (By Triangle Town Center) #1
Photo of free Mirror - some squares missing (By Triangle Town Center) #2
Photo of free Mirror - some squares missing (By Triangle Town Center) #3
Photo of free Mirror - some squares missing (By Triangle Town Center) #4
+3 +2 +1
Request: storage building (Deerfield Edition) 12 by 14, storage building good condition
Free: Boxes (Raleigh Area I’m near Capital) About 30 boxes great for packing 4721 Matt Dr Raleigh on recycling bin outside!!
Photo of free Boxes (Raleigh Area I’m near Capital) #1
Request: Older Model iPod (Downtown Raleigh) Looking for an older model iPod. Thanks in Advance
Request: Old wood windows (raleigh) Any size
Request: Sheet vinyl flooring (Near Craven Community College) Looking for remnant or roll end of sheet vinyl flooring. I need to protect a floor for several months with something durable but temporary..
Free: Notebook binders (Near person and peace sts) Six Heavy duty notebook binders. New.
Photo of free Notebook binders (Near person and peace sts) #1
Photo of free Notebook binders (Near person and peace sts) #2
Request: Yarn (Downtown Raleigh) Any color, length, thickness. Looking for any free scraps for my new yarn projects!
Free: Condiment ‘Treasure’ Hoard (By Triangle Town Center) Here be enough condiments of varying type to fill a dragon's lair. That is, for the dragon interested in myriad packets of soy sauce, duck sauce, ketchups of differing exotic lands, quality sauces from McDonald's (yet fit for a King!) Yearn ye for the rare flavors of the Zaxby Isles? Have ye heard tell of the Straits of Scoville - located in the hottest reaches of the heartless & burning Sun? Ken ye rumors of the Land o' My Pleasures? The natives refer to it as Chi-Keefull-Eh. All these fabulosities - and more, untold - can be had for those who desire said delights! Just reply with an 'aye' and the Magic Word to be counted among those Seekers of Enticements. Who shall be lucky mammal randomly chosen to receive The Gifts? Only the Aughra knows.
Photo of free Condiment ‘Treasure’ Hoard (By Triangle Town Center) #1
Photo of free Condiment ‘Treasure’ Hoard (By Triangle Town Center) #2
Free: Moving Boxes (Near NCSU) Various sizes of moving boxes. They are ready to fill with your items.
Request: Phone, tablet (Smithfield) Looking for used phone, tablet thank you in advance
Free: Electric Heat Pad (Wake Forest, NC) Goes around waste to sit on lower abdomen
Photo of free Electric Heat Pad (Wake Forest, NC) #1
Photo of free Electric Heat Pad (Wake Forest, NC) #2
Photo of free Electric Heat Pad (Wake Forest, NC) #3
Free: Various Books (Wake Forest, NC) Free
Photo of free Various Books (Wake Forest, NC) #1
Request: Searching for jewelry armoire (Kenly, Zebulon, Clayton, etc) I am desperately searching for a gently used jewelry armoire for my daughter. She’s eight years old and requested that Santa bring her one. Santa had a free one lined up before today and it turned out to be damaged. My baby understands that Santa doesn’t always bring her EVERYTHING she wants but this was an important item to her. If anyone has a gently used jewelry armoire that stands on the floor, and you’re willing to part with it for free, please let me know. I’d be forever grateful. Thank you and Merry Christmas everyone!
Request: Phones or Tablets Any Condition (Downtown Raleigh) Looking for phone or tablets. Any condition. Thanks in Advance
Request: Small or Children's size hangers (SE Raleigh) Looking for small or children size hangers to hang my daughters clothing. Non-metal preferred