Harrogate Freecycle

Harrogate Freecycle has 159 people giving and getting free stuff and there are many more people and groups all across the United States.
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Free: brass towel ring/ tp holder (North Knoxville) Old but in fine condition.
Photo of free brass towel ring/ tp holder (North Knoxville) #1
Request: Riding mower or zero turn (Lily Kentucky) I need a riding or zero turn mower im terminally ill with a inoperable heart condition id prefer 48” or bigger if its the old style riding mower then the brake needs to be on the right side i can pick it up if I need to rayfalcon777@gmail.com or call me if you have one for me 606 412 7772 or 606-389-2797
Request: sheet metal 6 ga (Lily Kentucky) I need free sheet metal thats 6 ga (3/16) “ thick up to 10 ga(1/4) the size im needing is 7’ x7’ x3/16” to build a flat bed for my truck not galvanized i need mild or high carbon steel
Free: Wireless Keyboard & Mouse (Maryville) Works fine.
Photo of free Wireless Keyboard & Mouse (Maryville) #1
Photo of free Wireless Keyboard & Mouse (Maryville) #2
Request: Washer and/or dryer (Old North Knoxville) Any would be greatly appreciated. Going to the laundromat is so expensive and it's also getting more difficult for me physically due to health conditions. Thanks for letting me post
Request: non-working electronics (Tri-Cities Area) Am looking for broken or unneeded electronics for recycle as I have an ewaste business
Request: Winter clothes (Blountville) Women's size small , pants size1 , sweats small shoe 61/2 Men's size large, pants 34/36, sweats lg, shoes 10 1/2
Free: Logo and website builds (Harlan KY) Hello, I build websites and do graphic design, if you are in need of any help online dont hesitate to reach out
Photo of free Logo and website builds (Harlan KY) #1
Request: Broken electronics (Harlan KY) Am looking for broken electronics for recycle as I have an ewaste business
Request: Lab glass and microscope (Harlan KY) Am looking for lab glass and related items for some cellular research I'm trying to conduct.
Request: Kitchen cabinets and flooring (Harlan KY) Am looking for kitchen cabinets and flooring, doesn't have to match or be in awesome shape. But am stuck in Harlan county