Laramie Freecycle

Laramie Freecycle has 288 people giving and getting free stuff and there are many more people and groups all across the United States.
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Offers   Requests
Free: USB powered speakers (Collindale) Small USB powered speakers. Work.
Photo of free USB powered speakers (Collindale) #1
Free: HP m401 laser printer (Collindale) NonDuplex. Has newer generic toner cartridge. Works decently. This is one I got off this site and cleaned and repaired it. No longer need it.
Photo of free HP m401 laser printer (Collindale) #1
Free: Flat screen monitors (Collindale) 5 flat screen computer monitors. 1 does not have a stand. All work.
Photo of free Flat screen monitors (Collindale) #1
Photo of free Flat screen monitors (Collindale) #2
Photo of free Flat screen monitors (Collindale) #3
Photo of free Flat screen monitors (Collindale) #4
+3 +2 +1
Free: Small personal space heater (Collindale) Promised 250 watt desktop space heater.
Photo of free Small personal space heater (Collindale) #1
Free: Small round wood table (West, Central Fort Collins) Small round solid wood table with sturdy base. Surface needs refinishing but works great with a tablecloth
Photo of free Small round wood table (West, Central Fort Collins) #1
Photo of free Small round wood table (West, Central Fort Collins) #2
Free: Large couch/sofa microfiber (West, Central Fort Collins) 7 ft 3 in Long, 3 ft deep. Good condition. The seat cushions are little a little dirty. Just normal wear three washable off-white seat cushion slipcovers come with it. We took the legs off for easy moving.
Photo of free Large couch/sofa microfiber (West, Central Fort Collins) #1
Photo of free Large couch/sofa microfiber (West, Central Fort Collins) #2
Photo of free Large couch/sofa microfiber (West, Central Fort Collins) #3
Photo of free Large couch/sofa microfiber (West, Central Fort Collins) #4
+3 +2 +1
Request: Windows Server OS Install CDs (Shields and horsetooth) ISO Windows Server OS install CDs. Will also take other Windows OS Install CD's if you have (Windows 7 and older).
Request: Knick knacks and do dads (Midtown foco) I just want silly things
Free: Wood pallet and plywood (Fort Collins Dunbar Avenue) 3.5x4 ft pallet and 3.5 x 4ft plywood
Photo of free Wood pallet and plywood (Fort Collins Dunbar Avenue) #1
Free: Queen-Sized mattress (West, Central Fort Collins) Queen sized pillow top mattress in good condition except for one rip on the underside. See pictures.
Photo of free Queen-Sized mattress (West, Central Fort Collins) #1
Photo of free Queen-Sized mattress (West, Central Fort Collins) #2
Photo of free Queen-Sized mattress (West, Central Fort Collins) #3
Free: Rubber car tires (West, Central Fort Collins) Old rubber car tires, no rims
Free: Double dresser unfinished wood (West, Central Fort Collins) Six drawer dresser. One knob missing. Unfinished wood, wooden knobs
Photo of free Double dresser unfinished wood (West, Central Fort Collins) #1
Free: Super Mable tubing chair cover (Near horsetooth) This is the cover to a super Mabel tow behind tubing couch. Cover only, not inflatable. New in box. To make this work you would need to have the inflatable inside piece.
Photo of free Super Mable tubing chair cover (Near horsetooth) #1
Photo of free Super Mable tubing chair cover (Near horsetooth) #2
Request: Scrabble Games (SW Fort Collins) Looking for Scrabble game with wooden parts. Don't need the board, just the tiles. THANKS!
Free: Pack n play accessories (South Loveland) Green
Photo of free Pack n play accessories (South Loveland) #1
Free: Tilted roasting rack (West, Central Fort Collins) Roasting rack for whole chicken or turkey or meat, tilted so that the poultry can be roasted breast side down and have the juices run into the breast. Removable drip pan. The Teflon is worn off of the drip pan but otherwise in good condition.
Photo of free Tilted roasting rack (West, Central Fort Collins) #1
Photo of free Tilted roasting rack (West, Central Fort Collins) #2
Free: 2 HP laserjet black toner 141A (Downtown Loveland) One new (printer died just after we changed toner cartridges) and one with some toner left.
Free: Dream catcher (West, Central Fort Collins) Large handmade.
Photo of free Dream catcher (West, Central Fort Collins) #1
Free: Teach reading book/flashcards (West, Central Fort Collins) The gift of reading by Trudy Palmer and a set of flash cards which explains English consonants vowels and blends.
Photo of free Teach reading book/flashcards (West, Central Fort Collins) #1
Photo of free Teach reading book/flashcards (West, Central Fort Collins) #2
Photo of free Teach reading book/flashcards (West, Central Fort Collins) #3
Request: Quality Treadmill (South Fort Collins) Seeking a treadmill for my new house to entice my boyfriend to come work out at my house instead of the gym so I can save money canceling my gym membership. My new home has a room I can use just for a workout space!
Request: Ergonomic board & mouse (West Loveland) 1 ergonomic keyboard 1 ergonomic mouse My friend needs ergonomic things to help their wrists if anyone has ones not in use.
Free: Plastic container lids (West, Central Fort Collins) Rubbermaid container lids, two 6 in and one 8 in. Lids only.
Photo of free Plastic container lids (West, Central Fort Collins) #1
Photo of free Plastic container lids (West, Central Fort Collins) #2
Free: Egg poacher (West, Central Fort Collins) Works fine.
Photo of free Egg poacher (West, Central Fort Collins) #1
Photo of free Egg poacher (West, Central Fort Collins) #2
Free: Empty clean wine bottles (SW Fort Collins) Empty wine bottles, clean. 4 boxes.
Photo of free Empty clean wine bottles (SW Fort Collins) #1
Request: Toys (Western fort collins) I was just curious if any one has any old toys they don't want anymore? I always feel bad for "unloved" in a sense stuffies and toys and I would wish to upcycle them in a mannerism that gives them new purpose
Request: Large vacuum type box (80538) Looking for a larger vacuum box. At minimum 11" x 11" x 41". The 41" height is less important for this project.
Free: Lens cloths (Midtown) New never used.
Photo of free Lens cloths (Midtown) #1
Free: Word art canvas (Midtown) 24” x 16”
Photo of free Word art canvas (Midtown) #1
Request: RIDGID Shop vac filter (Berthoud) VF4000 VF5000 VF6000 For Ridgid Vaccum For location meeting spot I put the Maverick gas station. On 287 & Taft Seven two zero, four four two, four nine six six.
Free: Old Computer Monitors (West, Central Fort Collins) Two square monitors, Dell and HP
Photo of free Old Computer Monitors (West, Central Fort Collins) #1
Photo of free Old Computer Monitors (West, Central Fort Collins) #2
Photo of free Old Computer Monitors (West, Central Fort Collins) #3
Photo of free Old Computer Monitors (West, Central Fort Collins) #4
+3 +2 +1