Merced Freecycle

Merced Freecycle has 750 people giving and getting free stuff and there are many more people and groups all across the United States.
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Free: 3 Piece Wooden Wall unit/Bookshelf (Gilroy Eagle Ridge area) Nice wall unit to hold display items, books, etc. Has a fold down door area and doors on the bottom of the outside units.
Photo of free 3 Piece Wooden Wall unit/Bookshelf (Gilroy Eagle Ridge area) #1
Photo of free 3 Piece Wooden Wall unit/Bookshelf (Gilroy Eagle Ridge area) #2
Free: Shower chair (Clements) Great condition
Photo of free Shower chair (Clements) #1
Free: Arm Chair (Clements) Sturdy and durable chair
Photo of free Arm Chair (Clements) #1
Free: Vanity light fixture (East foothills) Used vanity lights using candelabra bulbs. It could be swapped with regular bulb. Good condition. One larger with 4 canisters. 2 smaller with 3 canisters each. Pickup near Lucky on McKee/toyon in alum rock area of East San Jose.
Photo of free Vanity light fixture (East foothills) #1
Free: Large Dri Best electric dehydrator (Big Trees park) Great for drying fruit and veggies, even meals for backpacking! Comes with instructions and recipes and 12 sliding shelves. Measures 24" H x 18"W x 16" D.
Photo of free Large Dri Best electric dehydrator (Big Trees park) #1
Photo of free Large Dri Best electric dehydrator (Big Trees park) #2
Photo of free Large Dri Best electric dehydrator (Big Trees park) #3
Photo of free Large Dri Best electric dehydrator (Big Trees park) #4
+2 +1
Free: Baby items (Big Trees park) Graco Porta Crib with bassinet insert and mobiles; regular crib mattress with covers; one contoured changing pad which turns any dresser, table or bed into a changing table. All in good shape.
Photo of free Baby items (Big Trees park) #1
Photo of free Baby items (Big Trees park) #2
Photo of free Baby items (Big Trees park) #3
Photo of free Baby items (Big Trees park) #4
+6 +5 +4
Free: 2 Partial Canisters Helium (Manteca) I don’t know how much is in each one, but they each seem to be releasing helium when I turn the knob.
Photo of free 2 Partial Canisters Helium (Manteca) #1
Request: christmas light strings c7 (Off north vasco) C7 xmas light strings livermore area
Request: fishing gear (Off north vasco) Looking for fishing gear ...poles tackle
Free: Children’s swingset (Morgan Hill) Children’s swingset -swings, slide, trampoline . Can deliver if within a reasonable distance from Morgan Hill. Extra swings. Everything works-just too small for our kids
Photo of free Children’s swingset (Morgan Hill) #1
Request: Infant sunglasses (San Jose) Looking to reuse infant polarized sunglasses [0-24m], if possible. If somebody is thinking to throw them away, plese let me know. Thanks!
Free: Kids out door play kitchen (Morgan hill) Used play area, plastic
Photo of free Kids out door play kitchen (Morgan hill) #1
Free: One fluorescent Light fixture (Livermore) One 40 year old two-tube fluorescent light fixture. Four fluorescent tubes included.
Photo of free One fluorescent Light fixture (Livermore) #1
Photo of free One fluorescent Light fixture (Livermore) #2
Photo of free One fluorescent Light fixture (Livermore) #3
Photo of free One fluorescent Light fixture (Livermore) #4
+4 +3 +2
Free: Metal walkers, 2 of them (Livermore, Springtown area) These are both in good condition, free to whoever might need them, Take one or both,
Photo of free Metal walkers, 2 of them (Livermore, Springtown area) #1
Free: Double Bed (East Side San Jose) Double Bed
Photo of free Double Bed (East Side San Jose) #1
Free: Construction Light Strings (Morgan Hill (Jackson Oaks)) Two construction light strings. One used, one new. Extra bulb cages with the new one. If you change your mind about taking them, please let me know so that I can repost.
Photo of free Construction Light Strings (Morgan Hill (Jackson Oaks)) #1
Photo of free Construction Light Strings (Morgan Hill (Jackson Oaks)) #2
Request: Dresser (Manteca) My god daughter is having a baby and needs a dresser. If anyone is looking to get Reid of one please let me know ow. Thank you
Request: Laserdisc 12 Inch Movies (Modesto CA 95351) If you have any you’re looking to get rid of please reach out to me, I’m willing to come haul them away! ☺️ 1(209)568-8844
Photo of Laserdisc 12 Inch Movies (Modesto CA 95351) #1
Request: Old 80s-90s T Shirts (Modesto CA 95351) Trying to find older t shirts, band tour shirts, cartoon shirts ect. If you have any you’re willing to let go of please reach out to me, I’m able to pick up! ☺️ 1(209)568-8844
Photo of Old 80s-90s T Shirts (Modesto CA 95351) #1
Request: Your Dusty VHS Tape Movies (Modesto CA 95351) VHS tapes taking up too much space at home? Hand them over to me! I’ll even come pick up! I love all sorts of VHS, Anything VHS you’re wanting to get rid of I’ll take! Just text me, send pictures of your lot so I have an idea of what Im hauling & we’ll schedule a pick up date! 1(209)568-8844
Photo of Your Dusty VHS Tape Movies (Modesto CA 95351) #1
Free: Life vest (East Side San Jose) Men’s small
Photo of free Life vest (East Side San Jose) #1
Photo of free Life vest (East Side San Jose) #2
Free: Moving boxes & materials (Mountain House) Lots of moving boxes (all sizes). Computer boxes, wardrobe boxes, picture boxes, sleeves for dishes & glassware, bubble wrap.
Free: Nice Leather Chair (Morgan hill) Fair condition, and comfortable
Photo of free Nice Leather Chair (Morgan hill) #1
Photo of free Nice Leather Chair (Morgan hill) #2
Photo of free Nice Leather Chair (Morgan hill) #3
Request: old school, lite wgt, alum chair (Near Luis Aprea) any
Request: Plants (Fresno) Plants or cuttings
Free: Decorative tins (Evergreen, E. San Jose) Contained bottles of alcohol (not included)
Photo of free Decorative tins (Evergreen, E. San Jose) #1
Photo of free Decorative tins (Evergreen, E. San Jose) #2
Free: Cat toy & scratch mat (Evergreen, E. San Jose) Round toy has a ball that rolls on a track, and you can get a replacement round scratch mat at any pet store or Amazon. The small mat is cardboard and approx. 15” x 4”.
Photo of free Cat toy & scratch mat (Evergreen, E. San Jose) #1
Request: small dog carrier (Stockton)
Free: Rifle scope rings - 34mm size, new (Rancho Hills and Mantelli) These are CVLife scope rings for large-tube rifle scopes, not the 1" size. These are 34mm or 1.26"
Photo of free Rifle scope rings - 34mm size, new (Rancho Hills and Mantelli) #1
Free: Coffee table (Near Eight mile and West Lane) Gray stone top & carved wooden legs. Some dings but still very sturdy. It is about 2 feet tall and 2 and a half feet across. It’s pretty heavy.
Photo of free Coffee table (Near Eight mile and West Lane) #1
Photo of free Coffee table (Near Eight mile and West Lane) #2