Nashville Freecycle

Nashville Freecycle has 3,068 people giving and getting free stuff and there are many more people and groups all across the United States.
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Offers   Requests
Free: Wall hanging (West Nashville) Brass colored metal
Photo of free Wall hanging (West Nashville) #1
Free: 3 Folding chairs (West Nashville) Black, card-table type
Free: Tea Table (West Nashville) White top, silver colored stand
Photo of free Tea Table (West Nashville) #1
Free: Bissel Power Force Compact Vaccuum (West Nashville) Works fine
Request: Laptop (White bridge pike) Am in desperate need of a laptop as mine died on me and I do a lot of work from home on it
Request: House hold items (Herndon ky) Couch fair or better plz, tables, recliner fair plz wood shelves
Request: Dodge charger rim and tires 5/115 (nashville) Tennessee pot holes is terrible. I have had to replace my tires so many times. I need help no job 5/115 all 4 or spares will help
Request: Hurting ball or yoga balls (Clarksville) Big ones preferred. My cow dog loves them and I need him to stay occupied when I'm working
Request: Lamp shade for a bedside table (Cookeville, TN) It’s for my army vet brother’s 14 year old daughter. I got lamp at good will and can’t find lampshade that sits on a screw
Request: items for apartment (Clarksville) entertainment center, couch, chairs, bar stools, coffee tables or side tables anything helps
Request: cart (Downtown) Must deliver contact for address. Those folding 2 wheel carts.
Request: Chair/Recliner (Off Briley Pkwy) Had back surgery & my recliner has broken. Color doesn’t matter!
Request: Fishing magnets (Big sandy Tennessee) [ Items received in response to this request will be resold ]
Free: Star Wars Power Wheels land speeder (Crieve Hall) As in photos. Mini land speeder for kids. Needs 12v battery, small crack in windshield.
Photo of free Star Wars Power Wheels land speeder (Crieve Hall) #1
Photo of free Star Wars Power Wheels land speeder (Crieve Hall) #2
Photo of free Star Wars Power Wheels land speeder (Crieve Hall) #3
Free: Headboard (Crieve Hall) Headboard for queen bed with matching feet for bed frame (no bed frame included here).
Photo of free Headboard (Crieve Hall) #1
Photo of free Headboard (Crieve Hall) #2
Photo of free Headboard (Crieve Hall) #3
Request: Compact Dryer (Nashville Tennessee) I’m in search of a dryer,I desperately need.
Request: Punching/kicking bag (South Nashville) Looking for something my 7 year old karate student can practice kicking and punching. Thanks