Owen Sound Free

Owen Sound Free has 373 people giving and getting free stuff and there are many more people and groups all across Canada.
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Request: toddler bed ,mattress, wood (Massie) Hoping in good condition , no bugs , clean. Also looking for firewood as we are low. Thank you.
Request: Jeans (Tenth concession feversham) Size: Us 2, height: 5’3 I would need it dropped off at tenth concession Feversham house 448144
Request: Interior Doors (Erin, Georgetown, Guelph area) Old solid wooden doors six panel With or without hardware Size 80" X 30"
Request: baby gate for my cat (Mississaga St. W., Orillia) I need a baby gate please if you have one you don't need. It cannot be with bars wide enough for a cat to pass through. Thank you.
Request: Folding wheelchair (On the East side) I am looking for an adult folding wheelchair that folds up without needing to remove the back & the seat. I would need it dropped off in Owen Sound.
Free: Hand care (Near Orangeville Mall) I was gifted a Mary Kay hand care set. I tried it once and it seems to be very good, but I'm not good at taking care of my hands and know I won't use this. If you can use this, I'd be happy for you to have it.
Request: Clocks (Erin, Georgetown, Guelph area) Looking for windup clocks old and newer. Need not be in running condition, but running is great.
Free: Miter saw (Caledon. Heart Lake Rd) 8 1/4" - missing guard. Good for rough wood etc
Free: Wood coffee and end table (Caledon. Heart Lake Rd) Cherry used but in decent condition
Photo of free Wood coffee and end table (Caledon. Heart Lake Rd) #1
Photo of free Wood coffee and end table (Caledon. Heart Lake Rd) #2
Free: Expanding Solid Wood dining table (Wasaga Beach On) 6 foot Solid wood dining table with removable middle leaf. Locking mechanism and metal tracks. 6 chairs 2 with arms and 4 without. A few hot spots but generally in great condition. Each section is 24in wide making the table 6 or 4 foot long without the middle leaf. Must take all
Photo of free Expanding Solid Wood dining table (Wasaga Beach On) #1
Photo of free Expanding Solid Wood dining table (Wasaga Beach On) #2
Photo of free Expanding Solid Wood dining table (Wasaga Beach On) #3
Photo of free Expanding Solid Wood dining table (Wasaga Beach On) #4
+6 +5 +4
Free: Very solid table / desk (Harriston) This table was part of a U-shaped desk that has been taken apart. It is really solid and well-made and stands on its own. Also available is an additional table top that will require a leg at one end, but can be attached to the other part. The large table is 6ft by 3ft (183cm by 91.5cm), and the additional table top is 4ft by 2ft (122cm by 61cm). Together they can form an L-shaped desk, or they can be used separately.
Photo of free Very solid table / desk (Harriston) #1
Photo of free Very solid table / desk (Harriston) #2
Request: Doll stroller (Erin, Georgetown, Guelph area) Looking for a dollar double stroller in good condition