Shrubs.... For a garden that is devoid of excitement (Lords Wood ME5)

Sadly the Acer died in the 'Beast from the East' and then the 'blue plant' (No idea of it's name lol) died after another cold snap - And my son (in his great wisdom) put neat weedkiller that was meant to be diluted on a shrub I called 'sticky plant' as it had sticky leaves lol... no idea why he did this... But - It killed it..

Meaning the garden is now devoid of 3 of the most beautiful plants :\

If you are for any reason digging up any small shrub that is not toooooo massive, so a hole can be dug that doesn't need a digger lol - I would be happy to give it a new home and hopefully save it :)

I do not own a car sadly.... Am in Lordswood.

Thanks for reading
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