Black, plastic raised garden beds - originally from Harrod Horticultural. They consist of lengths of plastic which can be configured into different sizes with push-in connectors. The configuration I had was -
2x 55cmx55cm squares which I stacked on top of each other to make a taller bed (see photo)
1x 200cmx100cm bed (could be split down to 100cmX100cm but then you would have 2 lengths over)
1x 100cmx100cm
I also have half a dozen black plastic plant pots. These are approx. 20cm tall and are the sort that supermarkets use to display their cut flowers. Most will need holes making for drainage.
There is also a blue plastic bed similar to the black raised beds but with a base. This is not water-tight but has been used as both a herb bed and to group pots together.
Collection from Parklands area at time to suit.
Raised garden beds/plant pots (Spinney Hill)
This offer has been gifted to someone and is no longer available.