Samick SXP Digital Baby Grand Piano (T/Poughkeepsie Spackenkill)

This is a full-size Samick 511 Baby Grand Piano, the legs/pedals and the main body separate so it can be transported in a vehicle with a flat space. The basic unit works as a piano, but some of the features are not working (e.g., some of the special instrument keys). It was purchased in the 1995 time frame from Vincitores in Poughkeepsie. It is a full 88-key piano. The seat is showing some wear, and it openup to allow storage (e.g., the manual, music, etc.). The finish is polished wood. The keyboard cover hinges down, and the second picture shows the owner's manual on the music rest. It is about 55" wide, 39" deep, and about 45" high with the top up. It includes 4 speakers, is MIDI compatible, and has a headphone jack.
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