Box of 100-year-old books (NE Portland (Laurelhurst))

[NO TEXTS! CHECK YOUR JUNK MAIL FOLDER FOR MY REPLY.] Preference to soonest pickup.
Box of 100-year-old books, found in the basement of an elderly relative's house. Lots of these have old timey illustrations, some with tissue paper protecting the illustration. Titles listed below.

I've unfortunately had a lot of no-shows from people who ask for something then don't show up, so I am adding this:
Located in Northeast Portland near Providence Medical Center. Easy porch pickup, but you must TELL ME WHEN YOU CAN COMMIT TO PICKING UP. If you are a flake who promises a time then doesn't show up, please go away and don't waste my time. I used to overlook it, but I now provide negative feedback for no-shows. (But I give positive feedback if you pick up when you say you will.)

"Grandma's Attic Treasures" by Mary D. Brine, 1882

"Love Songs of Childhood" by Eugene Field, 1901

"Character-Building Thought Power" by Ralph Waldo Trine, 1900

"Standard Home & School Dictionary" 1914 edition

"Children's stories" by Mary Angela Dickens and others

"The Black Rose" by Thomas B. Costain, 1945

"The Book of Anecdotes and Budget of Fun" 1869

"The James Whitcomb Riley reader" by Charity Dye, 1915

"Appleton's Third reader" 1886

"Gulliver the Great" by Walter A. Dyer, 1917

"Not as a Stranger" by Morton Thompson, 1954

"A Manual of Engineering Drawing" by Thomas E. French, 1929

"The Spell of the Yukon and Other Verses" by Robert W. Service, 1907

"Dere Mable, Love Letters of a Rookie" by Edward Streeter, 1918

"Tell me a True Story" byMary Stewart, 1909

"Farm Ballads" by Will Carleton, 1901

"Radio Handbook for Those Interested in the Radio Art," by International Correspondence Schools, 1924

"The Adventures of Jimmy Skunk", by Thornton Burgess, 1922

"The Adventures of Johnny Chuck", by Thornton Burgess, 1920

"The Life Tiumphant" by James Allen, 1908

"The Tale of Fatty Coon", by Arthur Scott Bailey, 1915

"How to Tell a Story and Other Essays," By Mark Twain 1900

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