water-resistant couch cover (Ball Square)

Hi! We have three water-resistant couch covers. Basically like this, except all brown, not reversible: https://www.chewy.com/couch-guard-sofa-furniture-protector/dp/713718 They have flaps that go over the arm rests and straps to help them stay on.

I have to emphasize that they're water-resistant, not water proof. Liquid beads up on it initially but will soak through if you let it sit. So, if your concern is something like a muddy dog, or a kid that might spill a drink but then clean it up, these will be great. However, if you have an anxious cat who likes to pee on your sofa in the middle of the night, these will not solve your problems.

I also have to share that these have been vigorously peed on... but they've also been vigorously washed. Thanks to the aforementioned cat, we've gotten very good at getting cat pee out of things.

I'd love it if someone took all three, but it's ok if you only want one.

Pick up in Ball Square.

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