20+ Clear glass jars (no lids) (DeAnza Blvd - Stvns Crk & 280)

Eleven (11) 2-cup clear glass jars (1st photo). Each jar is marked with 0.5c, 1c, 1.5c, and 2c levels. I'm not sure if these are appropriate for home canning, or not. Could be used for craft projects, such as pencil/pen holders, or to hold real or artificial flower arrangements. Your imagination is the only limit. These originally contained canned fruit or marinara pasta sauce.

Also ten (10) miscellaneous clear glass jars, of varying sizes and shapes (second photo), from food products. Some interesting shapes would make nice vases for gifting garden flowers to friends. (You don't have to worry about getting your vase returned!) These jars do not have lids either.

(I originally offered all these jars to a non-profit group that does flower arrangements for shut-ins, but in the end, they decided they did not need them. They had told me to throw away the lids, and I did so, not knowing that they would not take the jars. That's why there are no lids, sorry.)

These will be heading for the recycle bin soon if there are no takers.
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