anything monkey or banana related for our fundraising (Roche PL26)

Hi. If anyone has any monkey or banana related items (fake bananas, stickers anything really) we would really appreciate them. We are raising money for Cornwall Hospice Care by doing the Split or Bust banger rally. Driving a beaten up old banger to Croatia and back dressed as monkeys whilst completing challenges.

Long story short I bought a car that we will use for this and despite knowing it was for charity, it seems I got ripped off (some people have no conscience it seems) but I'm trying to stay positive as this is a dream that slipped away and I'll do whatever it takes to achieve it and raise over £2000 for the hospice that helped us in our time of need. So I'm trying to find things to help decorate the car, use as competition prizes etc.

We would seriously appreciate anything as with having to replace the car that we only bought last week we're going to have no money to decorate it now. Does anyone have anything that might help?

Thank you.
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