Hi all, wondering if anyone can help me with a few projects I trying to get together.
First one is sheets and duvet covers, it doesn’t matter what kind of condition they are in, though preferably clean. I need to make a lot of bunting, I can colour with food dyes, but if they are colourful already, that would help enormously, not worried if they are old and threadbare as I can cut those bits out, but I’ve got a lot to make.
The second is newspapers. I’m also trying to make some sculptures with chicken wire (already have that), the more the merrier please.
Lastly, crockery please, doesn’t matter if it’s chipped or mismatched, as it’s for an installation.
Anything material or crockery wise that I don’t use because it’s to good, I will donate to helping hands charity. They help people who have been homeless that have been allocated housing, but have nothing to move in with.
Thanks for reading this, hope you can help . I can collect evenings and weekends