Woodland Baby Shower Decorations (Ponderosa Park (Sunnyvale))

Porch pickup available starting tonight at 6:00 pm in Ponderosa Park area. Will wait until about 4:00-4:30 pm-ish to pick recipient. I will only respond to those who state a specific date and time after 6:00 pm tonight that you can pick up. Priority to those who can pick up tonight or Friday.

Used once, both in great condition
- 1 Kate Aspen Woodland Baby Block Box – 4 boxes spelling out BABY with woodland animal decorations on them. Size: each box is 12” x 12” x 12”. https://www.kateaspen.com/products/large-woodland-baby-block-box-decor
- 1 Kate Aspen Woodland Baby Shower Backdrop – hang this up so you can take pictures in front of it. Size: 82.7" w x 53.1" h. https://www.kateaspen.com/products/woodland-baby-shower-photo-backdrop

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