Baby Supplies (North York)

Hi Everyone!!

My husband and I are expecting our first baby and I'm starting to get things together. I'm a couple months away (in my 3rd trimester) and starting to get anxious...Am I getting the right stuff together? I don't have everything yet and not how much of everything I need. How many onesies do I need? How many size 1 diapers do I need? How long will it be of use?
We are a single-income family therefore I am trying to save wherever I can... Anything at this point helps
We recently found out it's a boy and I was hoping others who have boys or gender-neutral baby stuff that they don't need, use or want to keep would be willing to donate it to us. It's not just items I'm looking for but advice and information as well.
Here is a list of things we are still looking for:
Diapers (0 to whatever months)
Baby Bottles (glass preferred)
To-Take hospital bag supplies - for Mama (tell me what Should be in it and if you have any extra I would be grateful to receive it)
To-Take hospital bag supplies - for baby (tell me what Should be in it and if you have any extra I would be grateful to receive it)
If you can offer some tips, things I might need I haven't thought of or some advice for new parents is helpful.
No expectations anything is welcomed.
I've been a member of Trashnothing for a while and have noticed it's a wonderful community group. I've donated a lot and received a lot and am forever grateful :)
Thank you all in Advance

Warm Regards

- New Parents
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