Spacesaver Dining Table (Whitegrove RG42)

Medium light oak dining table with a few minor blemishes easily concealed by a tablecloth, or quite simple DIY job to remedy the blemishes. Table features two fold-down flaps making it easy to move the table aside to create more clear floor space when the table is not in use. Much better and more stable than a gateleg table. We gratefully accepted this from another Freegler a few years ago but it is now surplus to requirements.
When opened out fully the table is round and approximately 110 cm in diameter. When the flaps are both closed down the table measures 110 cm by 65cm. It is 71 cm high.
The legs can be easily removed for transport.
If you are interested in taking over this table, please indicate on your reply when you would be able to collect from Warfield, near Tesco.

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