Tomato starts (West Seattle)

These were started from Territorial Seed Company seeds and have had an organic youth. They're small but healthy and will undoubtedly thrive once planted in good dirt in the the warm sun. Three types:
1) Cherry Buzz cherry tomato. 55-day "tasty, bite-sized treats." Indeterminate. 2 PLANTS
2) San Marzano sauce/paste tomato. 78-day "meaty and thick-walled." Indeterminate. 2 PLANTS
3) Legend early tomato. 68-day "sweet tomato with just the right amount of acid flavor." Determinate. 3 PLANTS

Let me know how many you want of each type and how soon you can collect from my front porch. I planted their friends today and I'd like for these fellows to start in their forever homes as soon as possible so preference given to those who can collect soonest. Thanks!

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