Coffee and household items (CT11)

2 x fizzy rhubarb drink exp Jan 2024
1 x sealed jar Gold Blend decaf coffee
1 x sealed jar Dolmio lasagna tomato sauce
1 x Dove body wash used twice- lots left
3 x kids toothbrushes
1 x small lamp shade
Approximately 16 grey plastic curtain rings
2 x small bottles of sealed hot sauce
1 x Nip and Tuck foaming pads. Half tub left

To go as one lot

Please remember to check your account for 'Chat' messages from other members and/or site vounteers.
Please check the items offered are suitable before any potentially wasted journeys are undertaken.
Remember EVERYTHING on Freegle must be for FREE - Freegle = FREE, Giving, Locally, Easily.

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