Hi, I have some books and pamphlets no longer required, you can take all, or just any you are interested in.
They are: Chemistry course companion pocket book for GCSE O Level.
The little book of Motherhood - a collection of quotations about being a mother.
There are 6 others relating to the Bible and religion.
You can live forever in paradise on earth - a Jehovah's Witness book.
Unlocking the Bible pamphlet.
When God said Remember - a book by Mark Finley.
new Daylight - daily readings from the Bible.
Every Day with Jesus for new Christians pamphlet.
Why Jesus pamphlet.
Collection from Harlington, when replying let me know days and times you can collect, thank you.
8 books and pamphlets - Bible - Chemistry - Motherhood (Harlington UB3)
This offer has been gifted to someone and is no longer available.