Step 2 Kids Play Kitchen & Toys (Virginia Beach)

Used condition children’s step 2 kitchen, comes with lots of items. Items to include vegetables, fruit, bacon, utensils, tea cups w/saucers, knives to cut fruit & veggies which have velcro holding them together, eggs, hot dogs, a pot that makes boiling sounds when placed onto the stovetop. These are all in the large box w/more misc toys such as alphabet letters (missing the v), misc puzzles, Cocomelon toy, etc. Please take all & regift what you don’t want or donate.
Cross posting.
P.S. This is from a pet friendly home & these items were stored in the garage for a few days where my adult daughter goes in to smoke cigarettes from the cold outside. So please be aware that these items will need a good cleaning, a very good cleaning.
Collection Times
Anytime, Any day, Porch pick up.