These are from rooted shoots coming from the base that I pulled off last summer. Split up and potted on last autumn. They will wait until ~April before they do much, but should grow away well this summer.
This is "sweet bay" for cooking. Add a few leaves to add background flavour to meat/tomato dishes. Go easy on picking the leaves when it's small, but next year and forever afterward, you will have more than you can possibly use. It grows slowly at first but can eventually become a large tree if you let it. Reacts well to pruning, so you can usually keep it under control. My one (pictured) is about 10 years old and I'm keeping it at fence height.
Bay is an evergreen shrub or small tree with tough glossy leaves. Produces small yellowish/green flowers in spring or summer. Fully winter hardy in most parts of the UK. Not fussy about soil or aspect.
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Young bay trees (Hatfield AL10)
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