TiVo Mini and Roamio (101 and Fair Oaks Sunnyvale)

The Mini is working fine. Like all Minis, it requires another “primary” TiVo in the house. It cannot work by itself. It does not need a separate subscription.

I think the external power supply for the Roamio died. It had died a year ago and I replaced it with a generic from eBay, which is why I suspect the problem is the power supply again. If you only want the remote, that’s fine too.

TiVo Roamio 500 GB DVR (tcd846500)
 - 4 tuners for over-the-air broadcast
 - lifetime service
 - RF/IR remote
 - Amazon link https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00EEOSZK0
 - TiVopedia link https://www.tivopedia.com/model-tivo-roamio-tcd846500.php

Tivo Mini (tcda92000)
 - RF/IR remote
 - probably this Amazon link https://www.amazon.com/TiVo-Mini-Remote-Old-Version/dp/B00BUCLVZU

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