scarves for cold SD winters
I have been taking clothes, and all kinds of things to, the St. Francis House in Sioux Falls, for several years. They are always so grateful. I needed something to keep me busy and yet be helping someone else. During the Covid days I could not volunteer to help serve meals, or help our church out in distribution of food. I do not do fancy crochet, but I can do some plain scarves for those that do not have enough to keep them warm, during our very cold winters. I put out a note in our "neighborhood" emails asking for yarn that would be cheap or that someone did not want anymore. The response was unbelievable, and all with no charge. I have made and delivered about 150 scarves so far. My yarn stock is wearing down, so if there is some yarn that needs a home, I would be glad to take it for more scarves. Thanks so much!
Cheri Schumacher

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