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Free: Squeaky toys for small dogs (North Lynnwood) These are for small mouths only because if the whole toy fits in the dog's mouth, it could choke on them. These are used but have been washed. They are a perfect size for my 8 pound Yorkie, but she likes new ones daily so I have lots of used ones.
Photo of free Squeaky toys for small dogs (North Lynnwood) #1
Free: Small toaster oven (North Lynnwood) Gifted I only used it twice. I left a piece of toast unattended and toast caught on fire. It works but I needed something larger that I did not have to watch closely.
Photo of free Small toaster oven (North Lynnwood) #1
Free: Lots of Boxes (North Lynnwood) Expired Mostly medium to large sized plus some packing materials. Several are "banker boxes", good for paperwork.
Free: Medium to large boxes (North Lynnwood) Gifted Boxes for moving or storage. Several are"bank boxes" good for storing paperwork, but others are general
Photo of free Medium to large boxes (North Lynnwood) #1
Free: Car seat (North Lynnwood) Gifted Child' Car seat. See photo.
Photo of free Car seat (North Lynnwood) #1
Free: Empty small 10oz coffee cans (North Lynnwood) Expired Small cans good for storing things like nails, screws, and other small parts. I have several of them
Photo of free Empty small 10oz coffee cans (North Lynnwood) #1
Request: Douglas fir or spruce seedlings (North Lynnwood) Received I am looking for a couple of Douglas fir or Spruce seedlings...wanting to plant a few baby trees that will be good for the air.
Free: Picture calandars (North Lynnwood) Gifted I have 30 unused beautiful picture calandars ( animal or nature) from 2019-2023 for someone who wants the pictures
Photo of free Picture calandars (North Lynnwood) #1
Free: 42" older flat screen tv (North Lynnwood) Gifted Works but needs blu ray for things like Amazon prime. It is pretty heavy. 45.5" wide by 26" high including stand.
Photo of free 42" older flat screen tv (North Lynnwood) #1
Photo of free 42" older flat screen tv (North Lynnwood) #2