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Request: Keyboard stand (Greatwood Avenue BD23) Withdrawn I need a stand, please, like the one in the pic, so I can move my keyboard off the dining table.
Photo of Keyboard stand (Greatwood Avenue BD23) #1
Request: foam insulation board (Greatwood Avenue BD23) Expired I need a small amount of foam insulation board, such as Kingspan or polyurethane, to complee a job in my attic.
Request: Water tank (Greatwood Avenue BD23) Received I'm looking for an old plastic water tank, such as is used in an attic to store water for domestic use, around 300 litres capacity or so. I want it for my allotment to make nettle tea for feritiliser.
Request: Water tank (Greatwood Avenue BD23) Expired I'm looking for an old plastic water tank, such as is used in an attic to store water for domestic use, around 300 litres capacity or so. I want it for my allotment to make nettle tea for feritiliser.
Free: Tomato plants (Greatwood Avenue BD23) Expired 8 lovely, strong vine cherry tomato plants. 'Gardeners Delight'. Suitable for greenhouse or garden. Must go TODAY!
Request: Foam insulation board (Greatwood Avenue BD23) Received I need a few pieces of insulation board (eg: Kingspan) for an art project.
Request: Clothes horse (Greatwood Avenue BD23) Expired I'm looking for a clothes horse for my bedroom, please. I need one with 2 ends and rails across (see pic), not a fold-our clothes maid.
Photo of Clothes horse (Greatwood Avenue BD23) #1
Free: Purple carpet (Greatwood Avenue BD23) Gifted This is a piece of good quality reddish purple carpet left over from a larger piece donated to me by a fellow freecycler. It is about 1.7 x 3.m. The pic is of a small offcut.
Photo of free Purple carpet (Greatwood Avenue BD23) #1
Request: Garden Shredder/Chipper (Greatwood Avenue BD23) Expired I need a garden shredder to prepare my compost material and mulch. Does anyone have one not being used?
Request: Concrete flagstones (Greatwood Avenue BD23) Expired I need 4 concrete council flagstones, 900mm x 600mm (3 foot x 2 foot). If they are laid I can lift them.