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Free: Mattresses (Single size) (FK12 Alva) Withdrawn These mattresses were used for 2 years only, and are available to collect any day between 10.00 am and 2.00 pm
Photo of free Mattresses (Single size) (FK12 Alva) #1
Photo of free Mattresses (Single size) (FK12 Alva) #2
Photo of free Mattresses (Single size) (FK12 Alva) #3
Free: 2 Mattresses (Single size) (FK12 Alva) Promised These mattresses were used for 2 years only, and are available to collect any day between 10.00 am and 2.00 pm
Photo of free 2 Mattresses (Single size) (FK12 Alva) #1
Photo of free 2 Mattresses (Single size) (FK12 Alva) #2
Photo of free 2 Mattresses (Single size) (FK12 Alva) #3
Request: Old and faulty IT equipments (FK12 Alva) Expired Hello everyone, I am collecting old, faulty or even not working pc, hard drives, motherboards and old flat screen Tvs size 20" or smaller. Please let me know if you are giving any of these away. I will come and collect it. Thanks
Request: Old and faulty mobile phones (FK12 Alva) Expired Hello everyone, I am collecting old, faulty mobile phones. Please let me know if you are giving any of these away. I will come and collect it. Thanks
Request: Old and faulty mobile phones (FK12 Alva) Expired Hello everyone, I am collecting old, faulty mobile phones. Please let me know if you are giving any of these away. I will come and collect it. Thanks 07835559598
Request: Faulty laptop (FK12 Alva) Expired Hello everyone, I am looking for any laptop, any size, any condition to work on them. Should you have any, please let me know and I can collect them. I don't plan on selling them afterwards. Thanks
Request: ladies bike (FK12 Alva) Expired Hi everyone, let me know if you have a bike to give away I can collect it. Thanks
Request: Any size flower pots (FK12 Alva) Expired Hell everyone, Should you have any flower pots, indoor, outdoor to give away, let me know and I can collect them as I am refreshing my garden. Thanks a lot.
Photo of Any size flower pots (FK12 Alva) #1
Request: Fruit trees (FK12 Alva) Expired Hi everyone, should you have trees (plum, apple, ) to give away, lease call me and I will pick them up
Request: Fruit trees (FK12 Alva) Expired Hi everyone, should you have trees (plum, apple, ) to give away, lease call me and I will pick them up
Request: Large flowers, tree (FK12 Alva) Expired Hi everyone, should you have large dlowers or trees (plum, apple, ) to give away, lease call me and I will pick them up
Request: flower pots (FK12 Alva) Expired Hello everyone, Should anyone have flower pots to give away, please caotact me and I will pick them up. Large flower pots please.
Request: 2.6 m Ladder (FK12 Alva) Received Hello friends, Does anyone have a spare Ladder to give away. Please let me know and I can arrange the collection. Thanks
Request: Ladder (FK12 Alva) Expired Hello everyone Should you have a very long ladder to give away I would be very happy to pick it up. Thanks