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Offers   Requests
Request: Baseball/football cards (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) My grandson is collecting these cards. If you have any duplicates or giving up the hobby, we would love your old cards. Thanks.
Request: Black half slip (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) Ladies size medium or large black half slip to wear under skirts.
Free: Panera bags (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) Gifted 20x18x12” We have 2 Big catering bags
Photo of free Panera bags (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) #1
Free: Stickers (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) Gifted Miscellaneous stickers. Maybe a teacher can use?
Photo of free Stickers (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) #1
Free: Dishwasher (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) Gifted Whirlpool dishwasher works well At the corner at 1101 Littleoak Circle
Photo of free Dishwasher (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) #1
Free: Brown Construction Paper (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) Gifted 25 sheets of this light brown school paper. Anyone need it? Teachers?
Photo of free Brown Construction Paper (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) #1
Free: Queen bed skirt (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) Gifted Cream satin 15” border. Exc condition
Photo of free Queen bed skirt (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) #1
Photo of free Queen bed skirt (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) #2
Free: Bubble wrap (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) Gifted Several pieces. Small bubbles, 6 of 2’ and 5 of 1’. Plus 2 large bubbles two 2’
Photo of free Bubble wrap (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) #1
Free: Scanner (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) Gifted Old scanner - used to work. Missing cord with square connector. Any interest before we take to e-waste?
Photo of free Scanner (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) #1
Free: New straws for crafts (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) Big bunch. Left over from our craft project. Hate to add to land fill
Photo of free New straws for crafts (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) #1
Free: Giant Christmas gift bags (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) Gifted Size is 43” long x 34” wide. They are vinyl Mylar. Which one do you want? They are used but they have lots of use left.
Photo of free Giant Christmas gift bags (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) #1
Free: Pyrex 9x 15 in frame (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) Gifted Amber colored Pyrex in Silverplate frame. Excellent condition.
Photo of free Pyrex 9x 15 in frame (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) #1
Free: Fabric softener (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) Gifted It was buried in the garage. Not sure how old it is. Three bottles - 2 blue are new.
Photo of free Fabric softener (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) #1
Free: Cloth with elephant (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) 14 x 17” white cloth with black elephant stamped on it
Photo of free Cloth with elephant (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) #1
Free: Bag of shipping peanuts (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) Shipping packages? Here is a Bag of styro peanuts. Bag is 12x 18 x 7”
Free: Santa beard (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) Just the beard; mustache got lost. With elastic wrap.
Photo of free Santa beard (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) #1
Free: Rub ‘N Stencil (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) Gifted New package. Set of letters.
Photo of free Rub ‘N Stencil (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) #1
Photo of free Rub ‘N Stencil (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) #2
Free: Bubble wrap (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) Gifted Large bubbles in 2 pieces, 2’ long ea Small bubbles in a roll.
Photo of free Bubble wrap (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) #1
Free: Queen bed dust skirt (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) Gifted Cream satin 15” border. Exc condition
Photo of free Queen bed dust skirt (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) #1
Photo of free Queen bed dust skirt (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) #2
Free: Twill tape (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) Gifted Black, 1 1/2” wide, large roll of it. See picture
Photo of free Twill tape (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) #1
Free: Vacuum bags (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) Expired Kenmore canister bags (2)
Photo of free Vacuum bags (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) #1
Free: CREE recessed light (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) Gifted It works but The little clips broke off and it doesn’t stay in the can. Maybe it can be repurposed
Photo of free CREE recessed light (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) #1
Free: Christmas lights (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) Gifted Old style. Some bulbs work and some ports don’t work. If you have the time to play with them, enjoy.
Photo of free Christmas lights (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) #1
Free: Birch log (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) Expired 20” long to make a Yule log. Decorate as you wish.
Photo of free Birch log (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) #1
Free: Bag of shipping peanuts (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) Expired Bag is 12x 18 x 7”
Free: Puzzle 3000 piece (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) Gifted This is a big puzzle, 48x 32” Ravensburger Wild animal theme
Photo of free Puzzle 3000 piece (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) #1
Free: Hanging case (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) Gifted 32” long, several pockets. Fabric on the outside. Excellent condition
Photo of free Hanging case (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) #1
Photo of free Hanging case (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) #2
Free: 25” very heavy tube (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) Expired 2 1/8” opening. One end cover. Too good to throw away.
Photo of free 25” very heavy tube (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) #1
Free: Child’s Christmas carols CD (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) Expired Sing along Christmas Carols
Photo of free Child’s Christmas carols CD (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) #1
Free: Queen dust ruffle (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) Gifted Cream satin 15” border. Exc condition
Photo of free Queen dust ruffle (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) #1
Photo of free Queen dust ruffle (West San Jose by Lynbrook High) #2