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Free: Bath and Body A Thousand Wishes (Mt Pleasant PA) Gifted Bath and Body A Thousand Wishes body spray. Only used a few times. I have asthma and this scent is a little too much for me.
Photo of free Bath and Body A Thousand Wishes (Mt Pleasant PA) #1
Free: Little Green Machine - works (Mt Pleasant PA) Gifted Machine works but there is a crack in the hose which can be taped. Has a newer pump in it.
Photo of free Little Green Machine - works (Mt Pleasant PA) #1
Free: Roomba 500 series replacement parts (Mt Pleasant PA) Brushes, front wheel and filters. All new from iRobot.
Photo of free Roomba 500 series replacement parts (Mt Pleasant PA) #1
Free: Keurig type coffee maker and pods (Mt Pleasant PA) Gifted Hamswan duel drip/Keurig type coffee maker with pods and pod display holder. Pods are past best by date but all are sealed. From what I can find online they are still good if sealed.
Photo of free Keurig type coffee maker and pods (Mt Pleasant PA) #1
Free: 7 bottles of acrylic paint (Mt Pleasant PA) Gifted All at least half full
Photo of free 7 bottles of acrylic paint (Mt Pleasant PA) #1
Photo of free 7 bottles of acrylic paint (Mt Pleasant PA) #2
Free: 10ft square cotton braided area rug (Mt Pleasant PA) Gifted Faded and some stains but otherwise good shape. Use for laundry room, pets, etc.
Photo of free 10ft square cotton braided area rug (Mt Pleasant PA) #1
Photo of free 10ft square cotton braided area rug (Mt Pleasant PA) #2
Free: Large black office chair (Mt Pleasant PA) Gifted Black with some wear on seat. Goes up and down just fine.
Photo of free Large black office chair (Mt Pleasant PA) #1
Photo of free Large black office chair (Mt Pleasant PA) #2
Free: Large stuffed dog (Mt Pleasant PA) Gifted 5fr by 3ft approximately stuffed dog. In good shape. Great for kids to lay on.
Photo of free Large stuffed dog (Mt Pleasant PA) #1
Photo of free Large stuffed dog (Mt Pleasant PA) #2
Free: 2 twin trundle bed frames (Mt Pleasant PA) Expired Does anyone have a use for 2 metal twin trundle bed frames and 2 twin mattresses? The trundle frame folds down and slides under a twin bed when not in use. The frames and mattresses are both 30 years old but were in a guest house and only used a few times. Mattress have always been covered with waterproof covers and are like new. You must load and haul. These are not heavy but are bulky.
Free: Robosapien toy robot (Mt Pleasant PA) Gifted Worked last time my daughter played with it which is about 15 years ago. This is the original robot. It can be programmed or you can use one of the 67 preloaded programs.
Photo of free Robosapien toy robot (Mt Pleasant PA) #1
Free: Keurig K155 coffee machine - works (Mt Pleasant PA) Gifted Commercial brewer. Works well. This is a large machine meant for an office environment
Photo of free Keurig K155 coffee machine - works (Mt Pleasant PA) #1
Free: 15 low voltage outdoor lights (Mt Pleasant PA) Gifted 14 used and 1 new in box antique copper colored aluminum low voltage lights. All working when removed 5 years ago. Stored in basement.
Photo of free 15 low voltage outdoor lights (Mt Pleasant PA) #1
Photo of free 15 low voltage outdoor lights (Mt Pleasant PA) #2
Photo of free 15 low voltage outdoor lights (Mt Pleasant PA) #3
Free: 2 Doskocil padded hard cases (Mt Pleasant PA) Expired 2 black hard plastic Doskocil brand cases lined with foam padding. Both are 16” wide, 13” tall and 5 1/2” deep. Great for electronics - these were used for model airplane controls.
Photo of free 2 Doskocil padded hard cases (Mt Pleasant PA) #1
Photo of free 2 Doskocil padded hard cases (Mt Pleasant PA) #2
Free: Roomba 500 series parts (Mt Pleasant PA) Expired Various new parts for iRobot series 500 Roomba. Mine bit the dust so giving these away. Several filters. Rubber brushes, side brushes and a replacement front wheel.
Photo of free Roomba 500 series parts (Mt Pleasant PA) #1
Free: 3 iRobot Roomba guides (Mt Pleasant PA) Gifted Battery operated barriers to keep your Roomba where you want it.
Photo of free 3 iRobot Roomba guides (Mt Pleasant PA) #1
Free: Whirlpool dishwasher (Mt Pleasant PA) Expired Works. White. Replaced with stainless to match rest of kitchen. See model number in photo
Photo of free Whirlpool dishwasher (Mt Pleasant PA) #1
Photo of free Whirlpool dishwasher (Mt Pleasant PA) #2
Photo of free Whirlpool dishwasher (Mt Pleasant PA) #3
Request: KC Constantine novels (Mt Pleasant PA) Expired Would love to read any of this authors books but can’t find them digitally on Carnegie Library site.
Free: High frequency skin therapy wand (Mt Pleasant PA) Gifted NuDerma Neon and Argon therapy wand. Works and is in excellent shape. This is supposed to clear blemishes as well as promote anti-aging. I am guessing it does do this stuff if - BIG IF- you use it on a regular basis. I just do not have the time so maybe someone out there does.
Photo of free High frequency skin therapy wand (Mt Pleasant PA) #1
Photo of free High frequency skin therapy wand (Mt Pleasant PA) #2
Free: 3 Razor brand scooters (Mt Pleasant PA) Gifted Three Razor brand scooters in working condition.
Photo of free 3 Razor brand scooters (Mt Pleasant PA) #1