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Free: Paper Bags (Belmont) About 50+ clean, dry paper bags, most grocery size or larger, most have handles.
Photo of free Paper Bags (Belmont) #1
Free: Plastic Meal Containers and Lids (Belmont) Gifted 100+ To Go Plastic Meal Containers with Lids, sizes large and medium. Clean (washed in dishwasher)
Photo of free Plastic Meal Containers and Lids (Belmont) #1
Free: Padded Envelopes (Belmont) Gifted About 50+ padded envelopes, bubblewrap type. Clean and dry.
Photo of free Padded Envelopes (Belmont) #1
Free: Insignia Fire TV - 39" LED TV (Belmont) Gifted In box, worked when last used about 3 years ago.
Photo of free Insignia Fire TV - 39" LED TV (Belmont) #1
Free: Bubblewrap and Packing Peanuts (Belmont) Gifted 13 gallon bag of bubble wrap. 13 Gallon bag of packing peanuts. All clean and dry
Photo of free Bubblewrap and Packing Peanuts (Belmont) #1
Free: Boards, Various Sizes (Downtown) Gifted Lots of boards from dismantled restaurant bar. Some have nails. Take some or all. Pick up downtown at the Fellini's Restaurant building.
Photo of free Boards, Various Sizes (Downtown) #1
Photo of free Boards, Various Sizes (Downtown) #2
Photo of free Boards, Various Sizes (Downtown) #3
Photo of free Boards, Various Sizes (Downtown) #4
+5 +4 +3
Free: Lots of Heavy Duty Bubble Wrap (Downtown) Gifted 3 large boxes full of bubble wrap used to ship tableware. Pick up downtown in the Fellini's restaurant building.
Photo of free Lots of Heavy Duty Bubble Wrap (Downtown) #1
Photo of free Lots of Heavy Duty Bubble Wrap (Downtown) #2
Photo of free Lots of Heavy Duty Bubble Wrap (Downtown) #3
Free: Large Upholstered Booth Seats (Downtown) Gifted 3 black upholstered booths. Sturdy. Soft and comfortable. Seat coverings are worn. 50" high, 60" long, 30" deep. The seats are 18" from the floor. Take 1 or all. In the Fellini's restaurant building near the downtown mall.
Photo of free Large Upholstered Booth Seats (Downtown) #1
Photo of free Large Upholstered Booth Seats (Downtown) #2
Free: Carboard Egg Cartons (Belmont) Expired 10 are dozen size. 6 are 1.5 dozen size. All clean and dry. Contained organic eggs.
Free: Carboard Egg Cartons (Belmont) Expired 10 dozen size. 6 18 egg size. All clean and dry. Contained organic eggs.
Request: Shipping Box for Large Framed Art (Belmont) Received Looking for Box and Supplies to ship glass framed picture 26 x 31, similar to Fed Ex's "Framed art box with Airfloat system"
Free: Carboard Egg Cartons (Belmont) Gifted 11 dozen size. 1 18 egg size. All clean and dry. Contained organic eggs.
Free: Futon Frame and Hardware (Belmont) Gifted Standard size wooden futon frame. Very sturdy. Has some dings and scratches. Each side piece has a fold out tray; one side is missing part of the tray top. Given to me by a neighbor along with bag of hardware. I used the back and seat parts under a mattress but never assembled the sides. I assume all the hardware is there, but I have not fully assembled.
Photo of free Futon Frame and Hardware (Belmont) #1
Free: Video Capture Device And Software (Belmont) Gifted Pinnacle Studios Dazzle video capture device and software CD. Older version of this: /
Photo of free Video Capture Device And Software (Belmont) #1
Free: Egg Cartons (Belmont) Gifted Clean and dry. Contained organic eggs. #15 dozen size and #8 one and a half dozen size.
Free: HP 23 Color Printer Cartridge (Belmont) Gifted fits a variety of HP Inkjet Printers
Photo of free HP 23 Color Printer Cartridge (Belmont) #1
Free: Glass Dropper Bottles (Belmont) Gifted Amber glass bottles with glass droppers. Contained medicinal herbs in alcohol. 70 1 ounce bottles and 5 2 ounce bottles.
Photo of free Glass Dropper Bottles (Belmont) #1
Request: Humane Squirrel Trap (Belmont) Expired To relocate pest squirrels.
Free: Ginger Ale 7.5 Ounce Cans (Belmont) Gifted #5 7.5 ounce Cans Canada Dry Ginger Ale.
Photo of free Ginger Ale 7.5 Ounce Cans (Belmont) #1
Request: Small Fireproof Locking Box/Safe (Belmont) Expired Looking for a small fireproof locking safe, size to keep some papers in.
Free: Padded Envelopes (Belmont) Gifted Approximately 125 Padded Bubble Wrap Envelopes. Various Sizes. Clean and Dry.
Photo of free Padded Envelopes (Belmont) #1
Free: Paper Bags (Belmont) Gifted About 40+ clean, dry paper bags, most grocery size or larger, most have handles.
Photo of free Paper Bags (Belmont) #1
Free: Vintage HP 692C Printer (Belmont) Expired Worked when last used years ago. Generic cartridges still available. Uses old style cable to connect to computer so an adapter would probably be needed.
Photo of free Vintage HP 692C Printer (Belmont) #1
Request: Book:The Wahls Protocol-Terry Wahls (Belmont) Expired Hoping someone has a copy not needed. Thank you!
Request: Radio (Belmont) Received Looking for an over the air (not internet) radio, AM & FM, for elderly gentleman with impaired vision. Could be an old boombox type or similar.
Request: Briefcase w/ Wheels and Handle (Belmont) Expired Also called a Rolling Catalog Case.
Request: Radio (Belmont) Received Looking for an over the air (not internet) radio, AM & FM, for elderly gentleman who has lost his vision. Could be an old boombox type or similar.
Free: Sturdy Wooden Chair (Belmont) Expired Solid Wood, Very Sturdy. Spot on top of chairback is discolored from water damage, but wood is not damaged.
Photo of free Sturdy Wooden Chair (Belmont) #1
Request: The Wahls Protocol Book (Belmont) Expired Looking for a copy of The Wahls Protocol by Terry Wahls, if you have a copy not being used. Thank you.