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Request: electric golf cart Expired It's a really long shot, I know. We've been trying to find a good golf cart for at least 2 years now (with front and back seats and a cover over the back seats) for our farm so that we can tour visitors around who have physical restrictions. The hill going up to our barnyard area is quite hard for some of our visitors who use walkers or canes. If anyone has any leads or, GASP, actually has a golf cart no longer being used, we would be so extremely grateful. We don't care what it looks like - just that it runs. 😊 (They are very expensive which is why we haven't just bought one outright. Plus, used is good!) Anne Shroeder Star Gazing Farm 501(c)3 A haven for retired farm animals and wayward goats EIN: 20-0882587 CFC: #86412 tel: (301) 674-5716 Follow us on Facebook! / Our wishlist: /
Free: hand sanitizer bags, Boyds Expired > We have 5-6 of these. I think it requires a certain type of dispenser. > > Anne > > > > > > Sent from my iPhone
Photo of free hand sanitizer bags, Boyds #1
Photo of free hand sanitizer bags, Boyds #2
Free: professional sewing machine, Boyds Gifted Singer machine attached to table. Lots of threads, zippers, books, sewing tools. Comes with a stool (very frayed but usable) and small working chair. Items are dusty (sorry!) We’ve had this for a while and never used it so I want it to go to a good home where it will be appreciated! It’s a really nice machine. Please let me know your interest and times you could pick up. Anne Star Gazing Farm
Photo of free professional sewing machine, Boyds #1
Photo of free professional sewing machine, Boyds #2
Photo of free professional sewing machine, Boyds #3
Photo of free professional sewing machine, Boyds #4
+4 +3 +2
Free: Weed whacker mower, Boyds Expired Received this last year from someone and never ended up using it. In good condition except that it's been in our very dusty barn and could use a good cleanup. See photos. Anne Shroeder Star Gazing Farm 501(c)3 A haven for retired farm animals and wayward goats EIN: 20-0882587 CFC: #86412 tel: (301) 674-5716 Follow us on Facebook! / Our wishlist: /
Photo of free Weed whacker mower, Boyds #1
Photo of free Weed whacker mower, Boyds #2
Free: pill planners, Boyds Expired > > 3 sets, 4 times per day pills. Hardly used. > > > > Sent from my iPhone
Photo of free pill planners, Boyds #1