A Members' Posts

Offers  and  Requests
Request: doll pram (M12 Manchester) - Hi is any one giving a way a dolls pram any kind for an older girl please
Photo of doll pram (M12 Manchester)
Request: Garden furniture (M12 Manchester) - Anyone giving a way Garden furniture for the garden they don't need any more can pick up Manchester Request: Garden furniture and toys (M12 Manchester) - Ant one giving a way Garden furniture or outside toys for the garden they don't need any more can pick up Manchester Request: travel cot (M12 Manchester) Expired - Any one giving away a free travel cot any any kind around Levenshulme. If you could drop of I could pay for petrol please thank you
Photo of travel cot (M12 Manchester)
Request: travel cot (M12 Manchester) Expired - Any one giving away a free travel cot any any kind around Levenshulme if you could drop of I could pay for petrol ⛽️ please thank you
Photo of travel cot (M12 Manchester)
Request: extendable safety gate (M12 Manchester) Expired - Any one giving a way an extended safety gate of pet gate it for my little dog around Levenshulme please
Photo of extendable safety gate (M12 Manchester)
Request: small wardrobe (M12 Manchester) Received - Looking for small wardrobe 1 or 2 door any kind if any one giveing one a way could possibly deliver I could pay petrol please and thank you Request: super size headboard (M12 Manchester) Expired - Any one giveing a way a super size headboard please Request: toddler bed +mattress (M12 Manchester) Expired - Looking for toddler bed and mattress for my Granddaughter when she stays over if any one is giving one a way or children fold out chair bed please
Photo of toddler bed +mattress (M12 Manchester)
Request: double bed (M12 Manchester) Expired - Looking for free double bed and mattress or kings size and if could possible to drop of in m12 and i could pay petrol i live on my own iv got a disability my bed has just broken and mattress springs went so any one got free double or king size bed they no longer want and possible to drop of for petrol i be so grateful thank you Request: Food or clothes (M12 Manchester) Expired - I'm really struggling for food clothes as I had to pay gas and electric I'm currently disabled if anyone could help please Request: Food or clothes (M12 Manchester) Expired - I'm really struggling for food clothes as I had to pay gas and electric I'm currently disabled if anyone could help please Request: Small table and chairs (M12 Manchester) Expired - Looking for dinner table and chairs free if any one has one and can deliver i could pay petrol any kind thank you