A Members' Posts

Offers  and  Requests
Free: Skirts, skirts, skirts! 38" waist (Skokie) Gifted - All about knee-length or just above. East front-of-condo pickup. Sharon
Photo of free Skirts, skirts, skirts! 38" waist (Skokie)
Free: Books, books, books 2 (Skokie) Gifted - Ex - ELA teacher getting rid of a lot of books: I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings - Maya Angelou Midnight's Children, Salman Rushdie Temple of My Familiar, Alice Walker This Same Sky, Naomi Shibab Nye Poseidon, A.S. Byatt Empress of the Splendid Season, Oscar Hijuelos The House of Dr. Dee, Peter Ackroyd Living with the Passie Aggressive Man, Scott Wetzler (Tom) Petty - The Biography, Warren Zanes Leaving Cold Sassy, Olive Ann Burns I Wouldn't Take Nothing for My Journey Now, Maya Angelou September, Rosamund Pilcher Free: Books, books, books 1 (Skokie) Gifted - Am an ex-ELA teacher and have a TON of books I'm never going to read. I'm giving away a crateful of books I'm never going to read: Ragtime, E.L.Doctorow American Adulterer, Jed Mercurio One Thousand White Women, Jim Fergus The Living, Annie Dillard The Two Towers, J.R.R. Tolkien The Hobbit, J.R.R. Tolkien Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Edward Albee The Recognition of Sakuntala, Kalidasa Underworld, Don DeLillo Thunderhead, Mary O'Hara Vanishing Point, David Markson The Visual Arts: A History, Hugh Honour and John Fleming Paradise, Toni Morrison Cat's Eye, Margaret Atwood Sharon
Photo of free Books, books, books 1 (Skokie)
Free: Various English Teaching Books (Skokie) - Easy front of building pickup, anytime. Sharon
Photo of free Various English Teaching Books (Skokie)
Free: Various ELA teaching books (Skokie) - Easy outside-building pick up. Sharon
Photo of free Various ELA teaching books (Skokie)
Free: ELA teaching books (Skokie) Withdrawn - Various ELA teaching books. Sharon
Photo of free ELA teaching books (Skokie)
Free: English teaching books (Skokie) - Various ELA-related teaching books. Sharon
Photo of free English teaching books (Skokie)
Free: Four knee-length skirts, 36" waist (Skokie) - Here for the takin.' Sharon
Photo of free Four knee-length skirts, 36" waist (Skokie)
Free: Why Didn't I Learn This in College? (Skokie) Withdrawn - This is a book for teachers-to-be. The introduction states: "Why Didn't I Learn This in College?" is designed to pull together in one place, in a user-friendly format, much of what many teacher candidates are introduced to in college. The title is not meant to suggest that most of the constructs are not 'covered' in teacher preparation programs. The intent is to say truthfully that we did not internalize all that was introduced and that we completed different courses or, perhaps, an alternative approach to entering the profession." If you are a new teacher, this book is for you. Sharon
Photo of free Why Didn't I Learn This in College? (Skokie)
Free: Ladies' lingerie, Size Medium (Skokie) Gifted - This is a lovely set that I bought and never used. As a BONUS, which is not in the picture, is a short, red, satin tie-around-the-neck little number, as well. Both are very tasteful.
Photo of free Ladies' lingerie, Size Medium (Skokie)
Free: NEVER WORN dresses size L (Skokie) Gifted - Size large, lovely dresses that I just discovered in the back of my closet. Never worn! Easy outside-condo pickup. They will be in an Aldi bag. Give me your name so I can put it on the bag. Enjoy! Sharon
Photo of free NEVER WORN dresses size L (Skokie)