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Request: Salvageable parts of a baby crib (off bridgeport rd near 85 ramp) Expired This may be an odd one, but I'm looking for the railing sections of a baby crib that is no longer safe for an infant. We adopted a rescue pup and figured that once she was house-trained we could put the crate away, but she *likes* the den space even if the cat sometimes uses it. So rather than have this big metal cage in the living room, I'm hoping to find pieces of a crib that I can repurpose as a sort of playpen for the pup. Anybody out there with a few too-good-to-trash but not safe for a kid pieces & parts? Thanks!
Free: Jade plant and Aloe seedlings (off bridgeport rd near 85 ramp) Expired If anyone's looking for a small gift for a plant-loving friend (or yourself), I have 3 baby jade plants and 3 or 4 young aloe vera plants, from around 2 to 6 inches (Jade plants smaller, aloe longer). I'll pot them up as needed in paper cups as I don't have appropriate-size pots for such small plants. Be aware that in a couple of years these may be MUCH larger; the parent plants are over 1' in height. Nice low-maintenance critters prefer moderate to full sun and no colder than about 15C. Porch pickup with time arranged, they can't stay outside.
Free: garden hose (off bridgeport rd near 85 ramp) Gifted 25 foot garden hose in good working condition, we replaced it with a longer size.
Free: Garden perennial/herbs (off bridgeport rd near 85 ramp) Gifted Feverfew, ornamental and medicinal herb, lobed leaves and daisy-like flowers. I'm not an herbalist, please look up medicinal properties for yourself Easy to grow, inclined to spread. I also have a couple of Rose of Sharon seedling trees (about a year old, should bloom next summer) and Lily of the Valley, dying back now but will bloom in mid-Spring. Let me know which (or all) you'd like.
Free: SUNBEAM heated mattress cover, twin (off bridgeport rd near 85 ramp) Gifted Used but still working well, (received a new one at Xmas) just realized I stored it instead of giving it away then. Can be flattened out over a double-size bed for center heat.
Free: Tower fan needs minor work (off bridgeport rd near 85 ramp) Expired This is a medium-height Holmes tower fan. It squeaks when it rotates but is ok in a stationary position. Probably needs to be taken apart and cleaned but I'd rather let it go to someone else who's handier than I am.
Free: cardboard boxes, herb plants (off bridgeport rd near 85 ramp) Expired I have 6-8 clean cardboard shipping boxes, medium size. Suitable for moving. Two long but narrow boxes that could be used for pictures or pillows. FEVERFEW plants, PEPPERMINT, and Goldenrod. (Goldenrod doesn't cause hayfever, and it makes a nice tall background plant against a fence. Feverfew is a bushy plant with small daisy-like flowers. All plants are folk-medicine remedies but I'm not an herbalist so best look that up for yourself.)
Free: Medium size cardboard boxes (off bridgeport rd near 85 ramp) Expired Moving? We have half a dozen medium-size boxes (approx 18x24) clean cardboard.
Free: Baby aloe plant (off bridgeport rd near 85 ramp) Expired Just what it says - Mama plant keeps pupping. These are big enough to go to new homes though it will be at least 6 months before they're big enough to use. Aloe sap is excellent first-aid for burns and the plant is a handsome succulent. If post is up, rootling still available.
Free: Moving? 4 boxes/packing paper (off bridgeport rd near 85 ramp) Expired These are clean, medium-size boxes used to ship prescription pet food. Paper is also clean, white, and could be flattened out for a child who likes to draw loooong pictures. Or for packing. Also have a couple of boxes from cat litter (CLEAN CARDBOARD, not "litter boxes" 0 that are a good size for books.
Free: misc. furniture on street (off bridgeport rd near 85 ramp) Expired 66 Lang Crescent, wingback chair, has been in rain but looks decent #1 Horizon (off Lang) lawn chair in need of seat repair #10 Horizon, small resin storage cabinet or nightstand
Free: baby/toddler stroller (off bridgeport rd near 85 ramp) Expired 59 LANG CRESCENT (NOT my house) Nice toddler stroller with basket and awning, looks in good shap. Our trash pickup is Friday morning, it's Tuesday now.
Free: toddler play table CURBSIDE (off bridgeport rd near 85 ramp) Gifted CURBSIDE 33 LANG CRESCENT. Similar to this. Used, in good shape.
Free: Curbside, 2-shelf storage unit (off bridgeport rd near 85 ramp) Expired Small unit used to store oil and antifreeze in garage (has petrochem smell) at curbside, 58 Lang Crescent. Trash pickup is Friday. Useful for the same purpose in a garage or shed, not safe to have in the house.
Free: curbside - baby stroller (off bridgeport rd near 85 ramp) Expired Marked free: Blue baby stroller, looks in good shape (neighbor's house, I don't know more about it.) Trash pickup is Friday morning, posting this on Monday.
Free: still have tomato seedlings (off bridgeport rd near 85 ramp) Expired It's that time of year again, I've got several varieties that germinated more than I have room for--got started late this year so they are not big but they'll keep going to a hard frost. The little "sweetie" cherry tomato seedlings tend to grow very quickly once they get their roots in the ground or a big pot. Cherokee Purple, Crimson Sprinter (small but prolific), Iron Lady, (blight resistant) and one or two mystery seedlings that literally sprouted between the cracks. Everything but Iron Lady is heirloom, IL is a hybrid that doesn't immediately die with late-season blight. I don't have the same number of all plants so some may run out quicker, not doing 'fair offer' because I'd like to get these off the porch and into good homes but if you see this post, there are still plants available. Remember, tomatoes prefer full sun and need about a foot of root space -- a 5-gallon pot will do, and they must have drainage. Planting with a good scoop of composted manure and biweekly feeding with manure 'tea' will give you more tomatoes.
Free: Misc glassware etc (off bridgeport rd near 85 ramp) Expired Put out at curb, 23 Lang Crescent: box of miscellaneous glassware and black metal candlesticks. Next trash pickup, Friday June 2
Free: Daisy and Camomile plants (off bridgeport rd near 85 ramp) Gifted Some volunteers from the garden showed up where I don't want them. Great low-maintenance (daisies) and a useful herb. Also a few pink bleeding-heart plants (perennials). A few lily of the valley, too, which will spread. Lovely spring scent but the plant is toxic, so probably not great if you have small children. Please state what you'd like and when you can pick up.
Free: ONE Aloe vera seedling (off bridgeport rd near 85 ramp) Gifted One of the medium-size plants from the photo, it's doing well in its own container and will probably be okay for a few months in its transplant pot (can be set inside something prettier, of course) Likes BRIGHT sunlight and temperatures over 50.
Photo of free ONE Aloe vera seedling (off bridgeport rd near 85 ramp) #1
Free: housplant seedlings (off bridgeport rd near 85 ramp) Expired My aloe vera and jade plants have been pupping and I need the space for seed-starter trays. These are INDOOR PLANTS. They can be set outside in summer but have to be indoors if the temp's below about 10C. They're tiny and it will be at least 6 months (maybe more) before you can use an aloe cutting for 1st aid on burns. They like FULL SUN and moderate watering--easy care, I give 'em a dose of fish emulsion in spring and fall and that's it. They'll need repotting in a month or two. Please let me know when you can pick up; depending on the weather I might need to bring 'em out when you arrive. Fair offer for 48 hours but I can hold till the weekend. If there are multiple responses I'll give them out individually so the most folks get a plant.
Photo of free housplant seedlings (off bridgeport rd near 85 ramp) #1