A Members' Posts

Offers  and  Requests
Free: Stationery (Tile Hill CV4) - A variety of folders, ' dividers, pockets etc Free: Stationery (Tile Hill CV4) Promised - Various files, folders, dividers, pockets etc.
Photo of free Stationery (Tile Hill CV4)
Free: Greenhouse (Tile Hill CV4) Gifted - Already dismantled. Some glasses r broken but a plastic is fine. Must be picked up by Sunday
Photo of free Greenhouse (Tile Hill CV4)
Photo of free Greenhouse (Tile Hill CV4)
Request: Small mower (Tile Hill CV4) Expired - Small manual or electric mover wanted for a small garden. TIA Request: slabs or broken slabs (Tile Hill CV4) Received - I am look for any type of slabs, including broken ones to use as a stepping stones. Thank You Free: office chair (Tile Hill CV4) Gifted - fair condition office chair Request: plants (Tile Hill CV4) Expired - Hi I am looking for cuttings of garden plants so that I can grow my own. I am looking for any type of ivy, bamboo, (not the invasive type, and any large leaved plants. Thank you. Request: sink (Tile Hill CV4) Expired - Hi I am looking for a ceramic sink to create a wild life mini pond in my card. Thank you Request: wheelchair (Tile Hill CV4) Expired - Hi I need a self propelling wheelchair or an electric scooter, as I have broken my ankle and cannot do anything at the moment. Thank you. Free: Jars (Tile Hill CV4) Expired - Mixed sized clean jars Request: Drums (Tile Hill CV4) Expired - Hi I am looking for large plastic or metal drums with lid if possible to use as compost bin. It has to be round so I can roll it on the ground to mix the contents. Thank you very much. Free: Goldfish flakes (Tile Hill CV4) Expired - Fish food nolonger required. Does not have a sell by date.
Photo of free Goldfish flakes (Tile Hill CV4)
Free: Carpet (Tile Hill CV4) Expired - we have a couple of rolls of old used carpets, ideal for garage use Free: American fridge freezer (Tile Hill CV4) Expired - Black American fridge freezer. Suitable for spares or parts. Intermittently working. But do not relay on it.
Photo of free American fridge freezer (Tile Hill CV4)
Request: pond plants (Tile Hill CV4) Expired - Hi If anyone has excessive pond plants they nolonger require, please let me know I am looking for oxygenating plants for my pond. Water soldiers or water lilies. Coventry area only please. Thank you Free: Jars (Tile Hill CV4) Gifted - loads of empty glass jars, ideal for jam storage or pickles of various sizes. I used them to make overnight porridge and take to work. Box of large n medium n box of medium n small.
Photo of free Jars (Tile Hill CV4)
Photo of free Jars (Tile Hill CV4)