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Free: Cabin Filter For A Ford Vehicle (Rowlands Gill NE39) An unused cabin filter for a Ford vehicle which was given to us (BOSCH model no. M2045) but as it turns out it doesn't fit our vehicle anyway.
Photo of free Cabin Filter For A Ford Vehicle (Rowlands Gill NE39) #1
Photo of free Cabin Filter For A Ford Vehicle (Rowlands Gill NE39) #2
Photo of free Cabin Filter For A Ford Vehicle (Rowlands Gill NE39) #3
Free: Old Corel Draw 4 software with manuals (Rowlands Gill NE39) I don't know that anyone will still have a machine that will run this old Corel Draw 4 software (which has 12 floppy installation disks) but the manuals may still be useful.
Photo of free Old Corel Draw 4 software with manuals (Rowlands Gill NE39) #1
Free: Metal curtain rail (Rowlands Gill NE39) Expired Silver metal curtain rail, 150 cm long, for hanging lightweight drapes. The fixings it was hung with are not actually the correct size and one of the fixings was damaged but has been securely glued back together.
Photo of free Metal curtain rail (Rowlands Gill NE39) #1
Photo of free Metal curtain rail (Rowlands Gill NE39) #2
Photo of free Metal curtain rail (Rowlands Gill NE39) #3
Free: Vase complete with artificial flowers (Rowlands Gill NE39) Gifted 30 cm tall vase and artificial flowers
Photo of free Vase complete with artificial flowers (Rowlands Gill NE39) #1
Free: Name badges set (Rowlands Gill NE39) Expired Set of name badges, can make up 9 badges as there are 9 plastic pieces, 10 of each of the other bits
Free: Chessmen moulding project to complete (Rowlands Gill NE39) Gifted Would anyone be interested in completing this project of moulding a set of chess pieces? All the moulds are made but some need trimming, painting and glazing. You would need to buy black and white paint and the glaze. In addition there is some moulding powder left, some coloured paints and and 6 silicone moulds of various animals.
Photo of free Chessmen moulding project to complete (Rowlands Gill NE39) #1
Free: Black plastic compost bin (Rowlands Gill NE39) Gifted As seen in photo. Will need a reasonable size car to trandport it.
Photo of free Black plastic compost bin (Rowlands Gill NE39) #1
Photo of free Black plastic compost bin (Rowlands Gill NE39) #2
Free: Type of netting material used as a drape (Rowlands Gill NE39) Gifted Two long lengths of pretty "netting" type material with a silky finish used as decorative drapes. Each length is 300cm x 60cm. They were here when we moved in to our present house, bunched together and hung from the metal pole seen in the picture (don't have the brackets for the pole any more). Some imaginative person might have a use for them.
Photo of free Type of netting material used as a drape (Rowlands Gill NE39) #1
Photo of free Type of netting material used as a drape (Rowlands Gill NE39) #2
Free: Old style telephone (Rowlands Gill NE39) Expired Old style telephone someone might find useful.
Photo of free Old style telephone (Rowlands Gill NE39) #1
Free: Liquid floor polish (Rowlands Gill NE39) Gifted A 2.5 litre bottle unused of liquid floor polish. On the label it says it can be used on most hard floor surfaces including vinyl, terracotta and sealed parquet.
Photo of free Liquid floor polish (Rowlands Gill NE39) #1
Photo of free Liquid floor polish (Rowlands Gill NE39) #2
Free: Casserole dish glass lid (Rowlands Gill NE39) Expired Glass lid from a Corning Ware Le Romarin casserole dish (the dish itself was broken). Roughly 26 cm square but corners and edges are curved to fit the correct dish.
Photo of free Casserole dish glass lid (Rowlands Gill NE39) #1
Free: Large piece of mirror glass (Rowlands Gill NE39) Gifted Large piece of mirror glass, a few very tiny spots on it, measures 56.5 cm by 77.5 cm.
Photo of free Large piece of mirror glass (Rowlands Gill NE39) #1
Photo of free Large piece of mirror glass (Rowlands Gill NE39) #2
Free: Raleigh Twenty Ladies/Girls Bicycle (Rowlands Gill NE39) Gifted Raleigh Twenty Ladies/Girls bicycle, must be about 60 years old, but still rides ok. Does need a clean up and a bit of maintenance, eg. a new seat or seat cover, a bit of lubrication, dynamo light's wiring needs attention.
Photo of free Raleigh Twenty Ladies/Girls Bicycle (Rowlands Gill NE39) #1
Photo of free Raleigh Twenty Ladies/Girls Bicycle (Rowlands Gill NE39) #2
Free: Reader's Digest magazines (Rowlands Gill NE39) Expired Reader's Digest magazines, 57 in total, dating from the 1980s. Might suit someone of an older generation. Even though they are dated, they still contain some interesting articles, short stories, jokes etc.
Photo of free Reader's Digest magazines (Rowlands Gill NE39) #1
Free: Square piece of wooden parquet flooring (Rowlands Gill NE39) Gifted Square piece of wooden parquet flooring measuring just under 48 cm sq. Has a fabric backing so it can be folded in half. Thought it could be made into a chess board for example, or some other craft work.
Photo of free Square piece of wooden parquet flooring (Rowlands Gill NE39) #1
Photo of free Square piece of wooden parquet flooring (Rowlands Gill NE39) #2
Photo of free Square piece of wooden parquet flooring (Rowlands Gill NE39) #3
Free: Picture of Ashness Bridge in Lake District (Rowlands Gill NE39) Gifted Picture measures 79 cm by 38 cm
Photo of free Picture of Ashness Bridge in Lake District (Rowlands Gill NE39) #1
Free: Wooden ramps (Rowlands Gill NE39) Gifted Two home made solid wooden ramps which fold up for easier storage, quite heavy. They measure 25 cm wide, 90 cm long and 20 cm high.
Photo of free Wooden ramps (Rowlands Gill NE39) #1
Photo of free Wooden ramps (Rowlands Gill NE39) #2
Photo of free Wooden ramps (Rowlands Gill NE39) #3
Free: Large poster "Railway Map of Britain" (Rowlands Gill NE39) Gifted Railway Map of Britain wall poster measures 40 inches by 30 inches
Photo of free Large poster "Railway Map of Britain" (Rowlands Gill NE39) #1
Free: Extension cable (Rowlands Gill NE39) Gifted A home made extension cable. We have checked the wiring in the plug, it has a 13 amp fuse. Tested it out using our electric hedge cutters to trim our hedge.
Photo of free Extension cable (Rowlands Gill NE39) #1
Photo of free Extension cable (Rowlands Gill NE39) #2
Free: Six dining room chairs (Rowlands Gill NE39) Gifted Six dining room chairs including two carver? ones. Still solid but obviously given their age showing signs of scuff marks, some stains and wear on the fabric.
Photo of free Six dining room chairs (Rowlands Gill NE39) #1
Photo of free Six dining room chairs (Rowlands Gill NE39) #2
Photo of free Six dining room chairs (Rowlands Gill NE39) #3
Free: Roll of weed suppressant material (Rowlands Gill NE39) Gifted Weed suppressant material. The roll is a metre wide but the material on the roll is folded in two so the sheet is actually 2 metres wide.
Photo of free Roll of weed suppressant material (Rowlands Gill NE39) #1
Free: Assorted candles (Rowlands Gill NE39) Gifted For anyone interested in making their own candles, here is an assortment of candles of various shapes and sizes, some partly used some never used.
Photo of free Assorted candles (Rowlands Gill NE39) #1
Free: Ceramic slipper bedpan (Rowlands Gill NE39) Gifted White porcelain slipper bedpan, quite heavy. Some people like to use them as quirky plant containers in the garden.
Photo of free Ceramic slipper bedpan (Rowlands Gill NE39) #1
Photo of free Ceramic slipper bedpan (Rowlands Gill NE39) #2
Free: A set of small striplights (Rowlands Gill NE39) Gifted These striplights were taken out of a dining room wall unit. I have wired a couple of them up again to check they work. With the ones in the picture, the little push button switch is a bit flaky, but that can be got round. Though somebody might use them in a shed/workshop. There are two old style bulbs and two LED ones.
Photo of free A set of small striplights (Rowlands Gill NE39) #1
Photo of free A set of small striplights (Rowlands Gill NE39) #2
Photo of free A set of small striplights (Rowlands Gill NE39) #3
Photo of free A set of small striplights (Rowlands Gill NE39) #4
+3 +2 +1
Free: "PARASENE" Fan heater/cooler (Rowlands Gill NE39) Gifted A "PARASENE" branded electric fan heater, also works as a cold air fan. On the box it says it's specifically used for frost protection in a greenhouse. It was left here by previous owners but I have tested it and it works fine.
Photo of free "PARASENE" Fan heater/cooler (Rowlands Gill NE39) #1
Free: Assorted electrical items (Rowlands Gill NE39) Gifted An assortment of electrical items, including light switches, wall sockets, lamp holders, ceiling switch with pull cord. Also two lengths of armoured cable each approximately 2.5 metres in length.
Photo of free Assorted electrical items (Rowlands Gill NE39) #1
Photo of free Assorted electrical items (Rowlands Gill NE39) #2
Free: Selection of baskets (Rowlands Gill NE39) Gifted As seen in photo, selection of baskets, some of them have been used with garden bulbs/plants.
Photo of free Selection of baskets (Rowlands Gill NE39) #1
Free: Large old glass bottle (Rowlands Gill NE39) Gifted Large old glass bottle, has a slight greenish tinge, stands 36cm tall.
Photo of free Large old glass bottle (Rowlands Gill NE39) #1
Free: Fluorescent light fitting (Rowlands Gill NE39) Gifted Fluorescent light fitting, 61 cm long, 14 cm wide, 11 cm deep. Has 2 20w tubes. We have wired it up to a length of cable with plug so that it could be tested and it is working fine.
Photo of free Fluorescent light fitting (Rowlands Gill NE39) #1
Photo of free Fluorescent light fitting (Rowlands Gill NE39) #2
Photo of free Fluorescent light fitting (Rowlands Gill NE39) #3
Photo of free Fluorescent light fitting (Rowlands Gill NE39) #4
+2 +1
Free: Lawn sprinkler (Rowlands Gill NE39) Gifted Lawn/garden sprinkler. Just hooks up to garden hose using Hozelock type connection.
Photo of free Lawn sprinkler (Rowlands Gill NE39) #1