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2021 Fire 10" Tablet - PROMISED (Park-Monroe Neighborhood)
Folks - I’m very sorry, but this item is promised, and there are Many people in line if this person doesn’t show. I feel so guilty about disappointing so many people - please don’t send any more messages asking about it. // 10" Amazon Fire tablet with charging cable and case. In perfect working condition; ready to be initialized by new owner. Special advantage of this slightly older tablet: you can still install Google apps on it (e.g., Gmail, Google Maps, etc.) This is not possible on any of the later versions.








Partial cans of paint (Downtown Rochester)
8 gallon cans and 11 small to medium cans of paint, of varying fullness but seems like enough to be useful for *something.* From a community theatre group, used for painting sets and such: quite a few light colors (white, peachy-beige, pinkish, light and medium-ish blues), some darker (green, dark blue, couple small containers with dark brown/black dots on top). I'd love for someone to get some use out of them! (And save me a trip to EcoPark! ;). Note that the pick-up location will be where they are currently stored, at Downtown United Presbyterian Church (near City Hall and Hochstein Music School).








Tiny bluetooth speaker (Park-Monroe Neighborhood)
Tiny (about 2" square) bluetooth speaker, with recharging cord and instructions. Never used.

Logitech Slim Folio iPad Pro case (Park-Monroe Neighborhood)
Full name is “Slim Folio Pro for iPad Pro”; this is a case with just a keyboard (no touch pad) that fits a 12.9” 5th generation iPad (and likely any 12.9 iPad). Color is Oxford Grey. The iPad holding part of the case connects to a magnetic strip, holding the screen up at a good angle. There is a “flap” to hold an Apple Pencil in place, and provide a magnetic closure. Only about a year old; in like-new condition. The reason I got a different one was that this one runs off your iPad battery, and I found it kinda ran the battery down faster than I liked. So I got one that has its own power, and has to be plugged in from time to time - for some reason that works better for me. Would love to find the previous one a good home, though!

Hunting wear for small person (Park-Monroe Neighborhood)
LL Bean warm fleece jacket size small, ditto vest, two types of hat, license holder, camo pants (waist 27, inseam 29). All in near-to-new condition. Not used in several years, but stored in a bag with pine branches to keep them smelling “outdoorsy.” (Previously included “gear” has been promised)

Handmade paper scrap book (Park-Monroe Neighborhood)
...with 3-D elephant head on the cover! Given to us years and years ago, probably meant for photos (not sure if you can see in photo 5: the pages are all embossed with triangles as if to hold photos). Endpapers (photos 4 and 8) are beautiful examples of texture-y, handmade paper; pages are all "rough" edged (they're actually very soft; photo 6), and the cover is just... very special. Hoping a crafty person can give this beautiful object a good home, and Put It To Work! Holding memorabilia, special moments, something.

Targus Laptop Cooling Stand (Park-Monroe Neighborhood)
(AKA "Chill Mat", Laptop Cooling Pad) An angled support for your laptop with a built in fan (what 2nd photo is trying to show), connects to your laptop with a USB-A connector. Had it for years but seldom use it, so still in like new condition.

3-ring binder gizmos (Park-Monroe Neighborhood)
(Sorry, that title isn’t very useful but Trashnothing said “3-ring binder magazine holders” was too long). So: 1) The package on the right is definitely a gizmo for putting magazines or other booklets (slim softcover music books comes to mind) into 3-ring binders without any damage to the things being bindered (and allowing you to take them out/swap contents anytime). Despite being open, package still contains all of the original 12 holders. P 2) Package on left is a bit different: these are 3-hole punched strips of plastic with a sticky tape, for permanently attaching things you don’t want to punch holes in but want to put into binders. Of the original 25, there are still 22 of them.

Vintage computer mice (Park-Monroe Neighborhood)
Pretty silly, but maybe someone likes old fashioned stuff like this :) Two LogiTech mice (mouses?) that are powered by regular tiny batteries (not lithium); one red, one silver with a little zippered case; Bluetooth. Other one is a Kensington plug in. Unable to test to see if they still work, so no guarantees (sorry).

Writable CDs (Park-Monroe Neighborhood)
My husband bought these years ago with the idea of using them as a “back up everything” method. Did it with a few and lost interest. I realize these are probably pretty outdated technology by now, but can anyone use them? If not for their original purpose, perhaps as art? Coasters? ;)

4 Tiki Torches with fuel & wicks (Park-Monroe Neighborhood)
Four tiki torches for your yard; fun on these beautiful summer evenings! Owned for many years but not used much, in reasonable shape: one post is cracked a bit at the bottom (see final photo) and is missing its "shut off cap," and the string attaching one of the other caps disintegrated (so the cap is still here, just not attached - photo 3). Comes with an almost full bottle of fuel and two replacement wicks.

25" square folding drying net (Park-Monroe Neighborhood)
Nifty little drying surface for things like sweaters, or anything marked "dry flat." White mesh net (first photo looks wild, I guess my phone camera can't handle the idea of tiny mesh; see detail in the last photo to get the right idea of what this is like). Just a light little frame (about 8" high) that unfolds, stretch the top over and there you are. I had to mend one of the corner grommets but the mend seems to be holding up well. When not in use, folds flat and takes up almost no space.

Cast iron skillet (Park-Monroe Neighborhood)
Many years old, but ready for many more years of service for a chef that understands about “seasoning” cast iron cookware like this. 10” wide, about 3” deep.

Decorative garden edging- 10’ kit (Park-Monroe Neighborhood)
Turns out this item just doesn’t quite work for my garden. I tried one section (and bruised it a bit in the process, see closeup in last photo), rest is untouched. It’s plastic, and flexible enough to be used on a curve if needed.

Robot fish cat toy (with bowl!) (Park-Monroe Neighborhood)
Very cute, and “swimming” movement is fascinating for kitties. Mine had many hours of fun with them. But then the batteries ran down, and despite a fresh set of batteries and the tool needed to install them being included, I just don’t feel equal to the challenge of figuring that out (ha! I guess I really am getting old!). Hoping there’s a cat owner with nimbler fingers out there who would like these. :)

Patterned chiffon skirt - XS (Park-Monroe Neighborhood)
A Coldwater Creek item from back in the days when they had brick-and-mortar stores and really *nice* clothing. Pink/blue/yellow pattern outer layer, cream liner, both chiffon and "floaty." Has tiny string self-belt with beads at the ends (close up in the 2nd photo is trying to show that). Zipper, hook and button closure. Size X-Small, waist measures 29". Another item that I just love... but don't reach for, sadly. So - time for it to go to someone who will wear it and enjoy it! :)

LuLaRoe "Lola" skirt M Pink (Park-Monroe Neighborhood)
Solid deep pink, pull-on LuLaRoe chiffon skirt (known as a "Lola"). Size M, elastic waistband in a pretty sort of lavender-blue. Waist measures 30" un-stretched. Lined. Lovely and floaty. I adore this skirt but I just don't reach for it, so it needs to go to someone who will WEAR it and enjoy it (and the compliments you'll get! :).
Weed whacker - **Not** cordless (Park-Monroe Neighborhood)
Black & Decker weed whacker; many years old but hasn't ever been used much, in fine working condition. Requires one of those big long orange extension cords (sorry, not included). Only reason we're giving it away is that we've gotten old and tired, and have been moving more and more to cordless power tools.
Assortment of small clay pots (Park-Monroe Neighborhood)
Small clay pots. Two (the ones at each end of the line in the photo) have some glazing; they are designed to be hanging pots - have holes for string/macrame-type hangers.

Tall white cat tree (City east: Park-Monroe Ave)
Has seen some use, and we redid the sisal wrapping on one post, but there's plenty of scratching - and fun and great places to curl up and sleep! - still left in this cat tree. Not sure it comes apart, so you'll need a large enough vehicle to transport it (sorry!). Our kitties just don't seem to use it anymore, so - their loss, your kitty's gain! :)

“Come With Me Kitty” harness (City east: Park-Monroe Ave)
Size Medium. Just the harness, never used, and original packaging including instructions. NOTE, again, this is *only* the harness, you’d have to supply your own leash (sorry!). I bought it because I wanted the bungee cord leash that came with it as an add-on to my regular, non-bungee leash, and it works great for that. My kitty got used to a different harness, so I never tried to use this one on him. I realize this isn’t the world’s greatest offer, but hope it might be useful to someone! Could be used on a very small dog, too.

Landline phone extension (City east: Park-Monroe Ave)
White, light-weight, good ol’ landline phone. It’s designed to lie flat on a surface or be mounted vertically on a wall (but I’m not sure I trust the handset to stay in place in that configuration; we’ve always used it on a flat surface). Are there any other old-fashioned folks like us out there who could use this? :)

Men’s XL spiked rubber shoe covers (City east: Park-Monroe Ave)
Officially “2X”, these waterproof shoe covers seem pretty huge to me! 13” long, about 5” wide. The spikes on the bottom are fierce. Have only been used a couple times.

Over-the-door shoe rack (City east: Park-Monroe Ave)
Full door length shoe rack; simply hangs over top of door. "Shelves" can be folded up (to accommodate a row of taller booties, say). Bottom shelf has come apart, but I think could be easily fixed with some glue. White and light grey; all plastic.

Tiny reading light (City east: Park-Monroe Ave)
This was a gift from a chorus I once belonged to; the idea is that you can clip it to your music folder and it provides additional light to see your music. Very small, very easy and ingenious… but it doesn’t provide *quite* enough light for me. Still has the (very simple) instructions and all, battery seems great (almost never been used). If not for music, I can imagine slipping the clip-thingie over the back cover of a book for reading in bed (? Never tried it, just an idea).

3 pretty little dispenser bottles (City east: Park-Monroe Ave)
(Well, I think they’re pretty, anyhow, which is why I can’t bring myself to just recycle them! ;) Three little pump bottles from the early days of Aveda products. 5” high. I just feel like someone might be able to use them…? Hope so.

8 Vintage pillow cases (City east: Park-Monroe Ave)
7 pillow cases from long ago, when such things were hand-embroidered and/or had handmade lace. 3 sets and one singleton. Plus one modern one that just happens to be frothily lace-edged. :) They are exquisite, but I never use them, and it’s silly for them to sit in my linen closet unappreciated. Photo 1 is the first set, photo 2 is a close-up of its embroidery; photos 3 and 4 are the other two sets; photo 5 is the singleton, last photo is the modern one.

Large vintage basket (City east: Park-Monroe Ave)
Lovely large oval basket in good condition. Dimensions: 25” across widest width at top; 14.5” widest width on base; 10” tall. Has spent most of its life with me in my attic, which I finally decided was silly and a waste. Hoping someone out there has a great idea for using it!

Vintage Sears Shop Vac (City east: Park-Monroe Ave)
Old but still going strong: good suction, all the attachments. The one issue is that you can’t get its specific style of bag, so you need to do a bit of jerry-rigging (which my husband has done, so you can see how, and it works fine). Letting it go because husband suddenly said “let’s get a new shop vac!” and I wasn’t about to turn down that offer! Lol (this one was becoming a bit heavy and awkward for me to wrangle).

Sash weights (heavy pcs of metal) (City east: Park-Monroe Ave)
Hoping the folks I think of as “the metal guys” will see this. We just had the ancient windows in our attic replaced. The old ones were the kind that worked with “sash weights” - very heavy hunks of metal (iron?) on ropes. Have about 20 of them. A small but heavy trove of scrap metal. Planning to put them at the curb with a sign this coming Weds, but thought I’d try to get the word out beforehand to try to get ‘em to- well- a metal guy! :). (Dartmouth St between Monroe and Harvard)
